As Easter approaches, many of us seek words that capture the spirit of the season. Whether you’re writing a card, sharing a post, or simply looking for inspiration, quotes can bring a touch of warmth and hope to this special time.
Easter quotes remind us of renewal, love, and joy. They help us celebrate the essence of Easter with family and friends. Dive into our collection of the best Easter quotes to find the perfect words for your celebrations.
Inspirational Easter Quotes
“Easter is a time when God turned the inevitability of death into the invincibility of life.”
“The very first Easter taught us this: that life never ends and love never dies.”
“Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life.”
“Let your heart be glad, shout with joy and celebrate this great day. Easter is here, and so is new life and hope.”
“Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.”
“For I remember it is Easter morn, and life and love and peace are all new born.”
“The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.”
“On Easter Day the veil between time and eternity thins to gossamer.”
“Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.”
“The earth laughs in flowers.”
“Easter is the only time when it’s perfectly safe to put all of your eggs in one basket.”
“Spring adds new life and new joy to all that is.”
“Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.”
“Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.”
“Easter tells us that life is to be interpreted not simply in terms of things but in terms of ideals.”
“A rebirth out of spiritual adversity causes us to become new creatures.”
“Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless.”
“Easter is the only time when it’s perfectly safe to put all your eggs in one basket.”
“Where flowers bloom, so does hope.”
“Easter is a promise, God renews to us in each spring. May the promise of Easter fill your heart with peace and joy!”
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”
“Resurrection is a leap into a whole new way of thinking.”
“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.”
“Earth’s saddest day and gladdest day were just three days apart!”
“Jesus cannot forget us; we have been graven on the palms of His hands.”
“The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created spring.”
“Our old history ends with the cross; our new history begins with our resurrection.”
“The resurrection is at the core of our beliefs as Christians. Without it, our faith is meaningless.”
“Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there.”
“Easter is the time to rejoice and be thankful for the gift of life, love, and joy.”
“Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.”
“Let’s have an attitude of gratitude for the big sacrifice our Lord made for us. Have a blessed Easter.”
“The Easter eggs symbolizes our ability to break out of the hardened, protective shell we’ve surrounded ourselves with.”
“He is risen; He is not here.”
Joyful Easter Quotes
“Easter is the only time when it’s perfectly safe to put all your eggs in one basket.”
“Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is.”
“Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life.”
“The very first Easter taught us this: that life never ends and love never dies.”
“Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.”
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”
“Let the resurrection joy lift us from loneliness and weakness and despair to strength and beauty and happiness.”
“Easter is the time to rejoice and be thankful for the gift of life, love, and joy.”
“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.”
“Where flowers bloom, so does hope.”
“Easter is a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But it’s also a time to reflect on our own lives, our own rebirths, and our own personal resurrections.”
“Easter is the time to take joy in all the beauty that new life and rebirth bring.”
“The joy of Easter gives us hope and fills us with the promise of new beginnings.”
“For I remember it is Easter morn, and life and love and peace are all new born.”
“There would be no Christmas if there was no Easter.”
“Easter is the time to put hope back in our hearts, spring back in our steps, and joy in our lives.”
“Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own.”
“Easter is a celebration of the triumph of hope over despair, and love over death.”
“With spring comes new life, and with Easter, the promise of eternal life.”
“Easter is the time to renew our hearts and minds with joy and gratitude.”
“The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.”
“Easter is the time to celebrate the glory of Christ’s resurrection and the joy it brings us.”
“Easter is a joyous celebration of the renewal of life and the promise of eternal life.”
“Easter teaches us the meaning of faith and what it is to feel the Lord’s blessing in our lives.”
“The great gift of Easter is hope, Christian hope which makes us have that confidence in God, in his ultimate triumph, and in his goodness and love, which nothing can shake.”
“Easter is the season of hope and joy, of new birth and new choices.”
“Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.”
“Easter is a time to take joy in the wonders of nature, and the gift of renewed life.”
“The spirit of Easter is all about hope, love, and joyful living.”
“Easter is not just for a day, but for a lifetime. It brings joy that lasts forever.”
“Easter brings us hope, reminding us that nothing can take away our joy if Christ is in our hearts.”
“Easter is the perfect time to rejoice and be thankful for all the blessings in our lives.”
“Easter reminds us that even in the darkest times, there is always hope for a new beginning.”
“Easter is a time when God turned the inevitability of death into the invincibility of life.”
“On Easter Day the veil between time and eternity thins to gossamer.”
Religious Easter Quotes
“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.”
“Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.”
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
“Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.”
“The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.”
“Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.”
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”
“Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless.”
“No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.”
“Let every man and woman count himself immortal. Let him catch the revelation of Jesus in his resurrection. Let him say not merely, ‘Christ is risen,’ but ‘I shall rise.'”
“The great gift of Easter is hope – Christian hope which makes us have that confidence in God, in his ultimate triumph, and in his goodness and love, which nothing can shake.”
“The story of Easter is the story of God’s wonderful window of divine surprise.”
“Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.”
“God expects from men something more than at such times, and that it were but reason to set apart some solemn times for this kind of work.”
“Christ the Lord is risen today, Sons of men and angels say.”
“The resurrection of Jesus offers us a new beginning and a new perspective on life.”
“Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life.”
“Death is strong, but Life is stronger. Stronger than the dark, the light; Stronger than the wrong, the right. Faith and hope triumphant say, Christ will rise on Easter Day.”
“For I remember it is Easter morn, And life and love and peace are all new born.”
“The very first Easter taught us this: that life never ends and love never dies.”
“Tomb, thou shalt not hold Him longer: Death is strong, but Life is stronger; Stronger than the dark, the light; Stronger than the wrong, the right…”
Famous Easter Quotes
- “Easter is the only time of year when it is safe to put all your eggs in one basket.” – Evan Esar
“The very first Easter taught us this: that life never ends and love never dies.”
“Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life.”
“Christ has not only spoken to us by his life but has also spoken for us by his death.”
“Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.”
“No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.”
“For I remember it is Easter morn, and life and love and peace are all new born.”
“Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.”
“Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless.”
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”
“A rebirth out of spiritual adversity causes us to become new creatures.”
“Easter tells us that life is to be interpreted not simply in terms of things but in terms of ideals.”
“The story of Easter is the story of God’s wonderful window of divine surprise.”
“Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is.”
“God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.”
“Easter is a time to rejoice, be thankful, be assured that all is forgiven so life extends beyond the soil of earth.”
“Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.”
“The great gift of Easter is hope.”
“Easter is very important to me, it’s a second chance.”
“Every man must do two things alone: he must do his own believing and his own dying.”
“It is the hour to rend thy chains, the blossom time of souls.”
“He knows the way because He is the way.”
“Easter is joy, hope, love, and renewal. Easter is proof that we can begin again.”
“Where flowers bloom, so does hope.”
“Earth’s saddest day and gladdest day were just three days apart.”
“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.”
“On Easter Day, the veil between time and eternity thins to gossamer.”
“Live in the moment and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.”
“The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.”
“Bunnies are cuddly, the large and the small, but I like chocolate ones best of all.”
“Easter is the time to celebrate hope and the redeeming love of God.”
“Let every man and woman count himself immortal. Let him catch the revelation of Jesus in his resurrection.”
“God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I love you.'”
“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.”
“We find our path by walking it, especially on Easter.”
Funny Easter Quotes
“Easter is the only time when it’s perfectly safe to put all your eggs in one basket.”
“I’m cracking up just thinking about all the egg-cellent puns I get to use on Easter.”
“Easter: the only time when it’s perfectly safe to fall into a rabbit hole and come out happier.”
“Easter is mostly about chocolate bunnies for me.”
“Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life. And a whole lot of egg dye.”
“Why did the Easter egg hide? Because it was a little chicken!”
“The great gift of Easter is chocolate… oh, and also hope.”
“You know that feeling when you find that last hidden Easter egg? Yeah, that’s pure joy.”
“Do you ever wonder if the Easter bunny feels exhausted from all that hopping and hiding eggs?”
“Easter: that lovely holiday when you can wear a hat that would otherwise make you look like a lunatic.”
“Easter is the only time when you can eat all the chocolate you want without feeling guilty. It’s in the rules.”
“Dear Easter Bunny, I can explain…”
“Let’s be real—Easter isn’t just about the bunnies, it’s about the chocolate!”
“Normal is overrated. Be a bunny.”
“What do you mean it’s not socially acceptable to hide behind trees and bushes looking for eggs as an adult?”
“All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt!”
“If Easter had an official flower, it would be the chocolate flower.”
“I’m egg-cited for Easter… mostly for the chocolate.”
“Who’s the Easter candy champion? Reese’s eggs, hands down!”
“Easter egg hunts are proof that your children can find things when they really want to.”
“The Easter Bunny is a master of disguise and a champion of chocolate distribution.”
“For peeps sake, let’s celebrate Easter with a sugar rush!”
“Easter is a story woven from the finest chocolate.”
“Hop to it! Easter is around the corner and you’ll be egg-static!”
“Finding hidden Easter eggs is the only form of human treasure hunting that doesn’t involve a map or pirates.”
“I’ve never met an Easter egg I didn’t like.”
“Easter rhymes with chocolate and happiness. Coincidence? I think not.”
“Every bunny loves some bunny on Easter!”
“Easter: Because adults need candy too.”
“Remember, Easter is the reason for the chocolate season!”
“For a truly Catholic Easter, one must remember: All chocolate is blessed.”
“Bunny kisses and Easter wishes!”
“Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits and let’s have an egg-citing Easter!”
“Guess what? You’re egg-straordinary!”
“Easter is a time to get egg-cited and let your hare down!”
Family Easter Quotes
“Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life.”
“The great gift of Easter is hope – Christian hope which makes us have that confidence in God, in his ultimate triumph, and in his goodness and love, which nothing can shake.”
“A joyful Easter to you and your family, a time to rejoice together in warm and loving bonds.”
“The very first Easter taught us this: that life never ends and love never dies.”
“There would be no Christmas if there were no Easter.”
“Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.”
“For I remember it is Easter morn, and life and love and peace are all new born.”
“Families are like branches on a tree. We grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one. Happy Easter!”
“Let everything you do be done in love.”
“Easter is the only time when it’s perfectly safe to put all of your eggs in one basket.”
“The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.”
“Blessed are those who have not seen and have yet believed.”
“There are no strangers here; only friends you haven’t yet met.”
“May your Easter be filled with calm and peace, shared with those you hold dear.”
“Easter is not just about God’s resurrection; it’s also about the celebration of renewed life.”
“The earth laughs in flowers.”
“Spring adds new life and new joy to all that is.”
“Family is the compass that guides us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights and our comfort when we occasionally falter.”
“Keep your best wishes, close to your heart and watch what happens.”
“In every end, there is also a beginning.”
“Where flowers bloom so does hope.”
“And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.”
“Easter is a time to rejoice and be thankful for the gift of life, love, and joy.”
“Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone but in every leaf of springtime.”
“Easter is a time to nurture the blossoming seeds of our faith and familial bonds.”
“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.”
“Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless.”
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”
“The story of Easter is the story of God’s wonderful window of divine surprise.”
“The beautiful spring comes, and when nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.”
“May your baskets be filled with blessings and your home be full of love.”
“Easter is the time to celebrate the life, love, and new beginnings that bind our family together.”
“Rejoice and be glad in this new season of hope, beauty, and family.”
Peaceful Easter Quotes
“Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.”
“Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life.”
“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.”
“The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.”
“Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.”
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”
“For I remember it is Easter morn, and life and love and peace are all new born.”
“The greatest joy is to see the joy of others.”
“Let your hearts be glad, shout with joy and celebrate this great day. Easter is here, and so is new life and hope.”
“Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless.”
“It is the hour to rend thy chains, the blossom time of souls.”
“Where flowers bloom, so does hope.”
“Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.”
“Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there.”
“Every ending is a new beginning.”
“The very first Easter taught us this: that life never ends and love never dies.”
“Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is.”
“Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.”
“Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own.”
“The deep roots never doubt spring will come.”
“The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day He created spring.”
“Easter is the only time of year when it is safe to put all your eggs in one basket.”
“On Easter Day, the veil between time and eternity thins to gossamer.”
“It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.”
“God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.”
“Spring makes everything young again.”
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”
“Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.”
“The cross is a one time, visual representation of God’s grief over sin.”
“Easter gives us yet another reason to be grateful for our dear family.”
“Let every man and woman count himself immortal. Let him catch the revelation of Jesus in his resurrection. Let him say not merely, Christ is risen, but I shall rise.”
“The story of Easter is the story of God’s wonderful window of divine surprise.”
“Resurrection means that the worst thing is never the last thing.”
“Celebrate the feast of Easter with a heart filled with peace, joy, and love.”
Reflective Easter Quotes
“Easter is the only time of year when it’s perfectly safe to put all your eggs in one basket.”
“The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.”
“Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life.”
“Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.”
“Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.”
“Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.”
“For I remember it is Easter morn, and life and love and peace are all new born.”
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”
“Spring adds new life and new joy to all that is.”
“Easter is a time when God turned the inevitability of death into the invincibility of life.”
“The great gift of Easter is hope.”
“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.”
“Easter was when Hope in person surprised the whole world by coming forward from the future into the present.”
“The very first Easter taught us this: that life never ends and love never dies.”
“Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there.”
“And now brothers, I will ask you to take heart, as you face the future.”
“Easter is not just another holiday reboot. It’s a blessing ceremony for our souls’ rebirth.”
“You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety.”
“Easter is a time to rejoice, be thankful, be assured that all is forgiven so life extends beyond the soil of earth.”
“A rebirth out of spiritual adversity causes us to become new creatures.”
“Passover and Easter are the only Jewish and Christian holidays that move in sync, like the ice skating pairs we saw during the winter Olympics.”
“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.'”
“Easter is about the hope and the renewal that comes from the resurrection.”
“Easter is never deserved.”
“Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless.”
“Blessed are those who have not seen and have yet believed.”
“Awake, thou wintry earth. Fling off thy sadness! Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth your ancient gladness!”
“New life in Christ springs forth like a bulb breaking through the ground after a long winter. Easter is that bloom to the soul.”
“Easter is joy, hope, love, and renewal. Happy Easter!”
“Easter is the time to celebrate new beginnings and cherish simple joys.”
“God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.”
“Those have a short Lent, who owe money to be paid at Easter.”
“Easter reminds us that there is light at the end of our struggles and a dawn after the longest night.”
“In the springtime, love flows like the rivers awakening from winter’s sleep.”
Springtime Easter Quotes
“Spring adds new life and new joy to all that is.”
“Easter is the only time when it’s perfectly safe to put all your eggs in one basket.”
“The very first Easter taught us this: that life never ends and love never dies.”
“Spring makes its own statement, so loud and clear that the gardener seems to be only one of the instruments, not the composer.”
“Daffodils, that come before the swallow dares, and take the winds of March with beauty.”
“Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life.”
“Blossom by blossom, the spring begins.”
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”
“The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.”
“Spring: A lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.”
“Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.”
“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.”
“Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.”
“The Earth laughs in flowers.”
“Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless.”
“The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created spring.”
“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.”
“Where flowers bloom, so does hope.”
“Easter is the time to rejoice and be thankful for the gift of life, love, and joy.”
“No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.”
“It is spring again. The Earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.”
“Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own.”
“Easter is a time to celebrate the rebirth of nature and the promise of life everlasting.”
“The very first Easter taught us this: that life never ends and love never dies.”
“Spring brings new growth. Weed out the bad and make new for something beautiful.”
“Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.”
“Spring will come and so will happiness. Hold on. Life will get warmer.”
“The Easter eggs symbolizes our ability to break out of the hardened, protective shell we’ve surrounded ourselves with.”
“The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.”
“The promise of spring’s arrival is enough to get anyone through the bitter winter!”
“Let your joy burst forth like flowers in the spring.”
“The deep roots never doubt spring will come.”
“Easter is joy, hope, love, and renewal. Every little blossom, every Easter symbol, whispers these words to us.”
To Conclude
Easter is a time filled with hope, renewal, and a sense of joy. The quotes we gathered capture the essence of this special season, offering insights and inspiration for everyone. Whether you’re celebrating with family, reflecting on spiritual themes, or simply enjoying the beauty of spring, these quotes can bring a touch of warmth and positivity to your day.
Reading through these words can remind you of the deeper meanings behind Easter, encouraging you to appreciate the little moments and cherish the big ones. Save your favorites, share them with loved ones, or use them to brighten someone’s day. Each quote has the power to make Easter just a bit more special.