God Quotes

Sometimes,⁤ a few words can touch the deepest parts of our hearts. This is especially true for quotes about God. ‍They bring comfort, wisdom, and ⁣hope. They remind us of ‌the divine ​in everyday moments.

In this article, we have gathered the best quotes ‍about God. These words come from great ⁤thinkers, ‌writers, ‌and spiritual ⁤leaders. ‍Each quote offers a peek into the vast‍ and beautiful relationship people ‌have with⁢ the divine.

Faith Quotes

“Faith is⁣ taking the first step even when you don’t‍ see the whole⁣ staircase.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“To one who has faith, ‍no ‌explanation is necessary. ​To one without faith, ‌no explanation is possible.”‌ – ‍Thomas Aquinas

“All I have seen teaches me ⁢to trust the Creator for all I have ‌not​ seen.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Let your‌ faith be bigger ‍than your fear.”​ – Unknown

“Faith and prayer are the⁢ vitamins of the soul; man cannot⁤ live ‍in health without them.” – Mahalia Jackson

“Faith is ​not‍ belief without proof, but​ trust​ without ⁤reservation.” – D.‌ Elton Trueblood

“What⁤ you are⁣ is God’s ​gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.” ⁣- ⁣Hans Urs⁣ von Balthasar

“Sometimes the ⁢only way the good Lord can get into some‌ hearts is⁤ to break them.” – Fulton J. Sheen

“Faith‌ sees the invisible, ⁢believes the unbelievable, and receives the ⁣impossible.” – Corrie ten Boom

“Believe in God like you believe in the sunrise. Not because you ⁣can ​see‌ it, but because of‍ its light.” – C.S.‍ Lewis

“Faith isn’t a feeling; ⁣it’s​ a choice to trust God even ‍when the road‍ ahead seems uncertain.” – Unknown

“A man with God is always in the majority.”⁢ – John ‍Knox

“Faith does not eliminate ​questions. But ⁤faith knows where to take⁢ them.” -‍ Elisabeth Elliot

“Faith is the bird that feels⁣ the light and sings when⁢ the ⁢dawn⁤ is still dark.”⁤ -‌ Rabindranath Tagore

“Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall⁤ emerge into the light.” -⁣ Helen Keller

“Faith is not something to grasp, it ⁢is a state ⁣to grow into.” -‍ Mahatma Gandhi

“Faith is the substance ​of ​things hoped ⁣for, the evidence of things ⁤not seen.” – Hebrews ⁤11:1, Bible

“Every tomorrow ​has‍ two ‍handles.⁢ We can take hold‍ of it by‌ the handle of anxiety, or ⁤by the handle of faith.” ‌- Henry Ward Beecher

“God understands‌ our prayers even when we can’t find ⁢the words ⁢to say them.” – Unknown

“Faith is trusting God even when ⁤you ‍don’t understand His plan.” – Unknown

“Feed your faith and your fears‌ will starve to death.” – ‍Unknown

“God loves each of us as if there were only⁢ one of us.”⁣ – Saint Augustine

“Faith is the light that guides you ⁢through the darkness.” -‌ Inspired by Plato

“Faith ‍is not believing that God can, it’s⁤ knowing that He will.” ​- Ben Stein

“Trust the unknown to the⁤ known ​Creator.”⁣ – Lailah​ Gifty Akita

“Those ⁢who leave everything ‌in⁣ God’s hand ‌will‌ eventually⁤ see God’s ⁣hand in ⁣everything.”⁢ – Unknown

“Faith is seeing light ⁣with your ‌heart ‍when⁢ all‌ your eyes see⁢ is darkness.” – Barbara Johnson

“Faith⁣ is not about everything ⁤turning ⁤out okay; Faith‌ is about being‍ okay ⁢no matter how‌ things⁣ turn out.” – Unknown

“With God, ⁤a day is​ like a thousand years, and ⁢a thousand years are like a day.”⁤ – 2⁢ Peter 3:8, Bible

“Faith means believing in advance⁣ what will only make sense in reverse.” – Philip Yancey

“Faith is the gaze‌ of a soul⁤ upon a saving God.” – A.W. Tozer

“God’s plans for your life far exceed the circumstances ‍of your day.” – Louie Giglio

Wisdom ⁤Quotes

“God⁤ moves in a⁣ mysterious way, ⁤His wonders to perform.” – William Cowper

“Faith is taking the ‌first step ‌even when you don’t see⁢ the whole ⁢staircase.” -‌ Martin Luther King‍ Jr.

“The function of​ prayer ⁢is⁢ not ⁣to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the‌ one who prays.” – Søren Kierkegaard

“Where⁣ God⁣ guides, He provides.” – Isaiah 58:11

“God‌ does not play ‌dice​ with the universe.” – ⁢Albert Einstein

“With God, all things‍ are possible.” – Matthew 19:26

“Even when‌ I cannot see⁤ him, ⁤I ⁢can ⁢hear the beautiful rustle⁤ of the ‍wind singing his praises.” – ‍Unknown

“God gives where He finds empty‍ hands.” ‍- Augustine ⁣of Hippo

“God whispers in⁣ our ‌pleasures, speaks in ⁣our conscience,⁣ but shouts in ‍our pains.”⁢ – C.S. ⁣Lewis

“When⁣ we lose one blessing, another is often ⁣most unexpectedly given in its place.” – C.S. Lewis

“Every happening, great and small, is a parable whereby God‌ speaks to us, and the art of life is to get‍ the message.” ⁢- Malcolm Muggeridge

“God⁣ has two dwellings: one ⁣in heaven,‌ and the ​other in a‍ meek and thankful heart.” – ‍Izaak Walton

“Trust in the ⁤Lord ‌with ‌all your heart and ​lean ⁢not on​ your ⁤own ​understanding.” ​- Proverbs 3:5

“Your talent is God’s gift ‍to you.‌ What you do with it is your gift⁣ back to‍ God.” – ​Leo Buscaglia

“God enters by a‍ private door into every⁣ individual.” – Ralph ⁣Waldo Emerson

“Believe in yourself and you ‌will see‌ your ​best ⁣version created by‌ God himself.” – Original

“To be a Christian means to forgive the ​inexcusable because‌ God has ​forgiven the inexcusable in you.” – C.S. Lewis

“God is most‍ glorified in us ⁤when we are ⁤most‌ satisfied in Him.” – John⁢ Piper

“Sometimes, God allows ⁢what He hates to accomplish what He loves.” ⁤-⁤ Joni Eareckson Tada

“God never ⁣said⁢ that the journey would be easy, but⁢ He‌ did say⁤ that the⁣ arrival would be worthwhile.” – ​Max⁤ Lucado

“Prayer does⁣ not change God, but⁤ it​ changes him ‍who‍ prays.” ‍- Søren‌ Kierkegaard

“We should​ not ‍be upset⁢ that others hide the truth from us,⁤ when we ⁤hide​ it⁤ so often from ourselves.” – François⁤ de La Rochefoucauld

“God ⁣doesn’t require us to succeed; ‌He only​ requires that you try.” – Mother Teresa

“God is the ⁣friend of silence. See how nature—trees, flowers, grass—grow in ‍silence;⁢ see ⁤the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence.” – Mother Teresa

“Remember ‌who you are. Don’t compromise for ⁣anyone, for any ⁢reason. You are a child of the Almighty God. Live that ⁤truth.” – Lysa TerKeurst

“God is ⁢never late, but on time.” -⁢ Michelle⁢ Murray

“Listen⁣ to⁤ the quiet ‌voice inside you.‍ It is God ⁣speaking.” – Original

“The⁤ will of God‌ will⁢ never take you‍ to where the​ grace of ​God‌ will not protect ⁣you.” – ​Unknown

“God gave us the gift of life; it ⁣is up to ⁢us to give ‌ourselves the gift of ​living well.” – Voltaire

“All I⁣ have seen‍ teaches me to trust⁤ the Creator for all I have ​not⁣ seen.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The darker the ⁣night, the brighter ⁢the stars,⁢ The⁢ deeper the‍ grief, the closer is God!” – Fyodor⁢ Dostoevsky

Hope‌ Quotes

“God ⁤never said​ that the ⁤journey ‌would be easy, ​but He did say that the arrival would be‍ worthwhile.”⁢ – ‍Max Lucado

“Faith​ is taking the⁣ first step even​ when you don’t see the⁢ whole staircase.” –‌ Martin‌ Luther King‍ Jr.

“God puts⁢ rainbows​ in ‌the clouds so that each of us — in the dreariest and most dreaded ⁣moments — can see a possibility ⁣of‍ hope.” –⁤ Maya Angelou

“When you have faith ⁢in God, you‍ don’t ⁣have to ⁢worry about the future. You just know ‌it’s ⁤all in⁣ His ‌hands. You just ⁣go⁤ and ‍do‌ your⁣ best.” – Elder Bryan Mathison

“Hope ‍is a waking dream.” ‍– Aristotle

“If God shuts‍ a⁤ door,⁢ quit‍ banging on it! Whatever⁢ was behind it wasn’t meant for you. Consider the fact‍ that maybe⁣ He closed that door because He knew ⁤you ‌were worth so much more.”​ – Shayne McClendon

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“To the​ Christian, life is the story of God⁣ and man ⁤in ​love​ with each other. Man must trust and ⁢hope and ⁤believe.”⁣ – A. W.⁢ Tozer

“Faith is seeing⁢ light⁣ with your heart when all your eyes see ⁢is darkness.” – Barbara Johnson

“Through hard work, perseverance, and faith in God, you can live your​ dreams.” – Ben Carson

“There‌ is no ⁢storm that God won’t carry you through. No ​bridge⁣ that God won’t help you ‍cross. No battle that God won’t help you win.‌ Trust God and⁣ never ⁣give up hope.” – Original

“God’s plans for your life far exceed the circumstances⁣ of your day.” –‌ Louie‍ Giglio

“We must accept finite disappointment,⁣ but never lose infinite hope.” ‌– Martin Luther‌ King Jr.

“Let your hope make you glad.⁣ Be ​patient in time of trouble‍ and never stop​ praying.” – Romans 12:12

“Faith is ⁣the bird that feels​ the‍ light⁢ when the dawn is still⁤ dark.” ‍– Rabindranath Tagore

“When God gives you a ‌new beginning, it often starts​ with an ending.”⁤ – Original

“All ⁤I⁢ have⁣ seen teaches⁤ me to trust ⁤the Creator for ‍all I‌ have not seen.”​ – Ralph ‌Waldo Emerson

“Faith is the substance of⁣ things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” – Hebrews⁣ 11:1

“God ‌is our refuge ​and ‌strength, a very present ⁢help ⁤in trouble.” – ​Psalm 46:1

“Never be‌ afraid to​ trust an ‍unknown future ​to ​a known‌ God.” –​ Corrie Ten Boom

“Hope fills the holes of my frustration in my⁢ heart.”⁣ – Emanuel ⁤Cleaver

“God will⁢ not look you ⁤over for medals, degrees, or diplomas​ but for scars.” – Elbert​ Hubbard

“You can cut all the ⁣flowers but you cannot keep Spring from​ coming.” – Pablo Neruda

“Our prayers may be awkward. Our⁣ attempts ⁤may ‌be feeble. But since ⁣the power of prayer is in⁢ the one ‍who hears it and not in ‌the one who says it, our prayers do ‍make a difference.” – Max ⁣Lucado

“Hope is being able to see that there is ​light ⁤despite all of the darkness.” –‌ Desmond Tutu

“Your talent​ is God’s gift to you. ⁢What you do with it is your gift‌ back to⁤ God.” –⁢ Leo Buscaglia

“When the world says, ‘Give up,’ Hope whispers, ‘Try it one more time.'” ‌– Original

“Hope is the ‍thing with feathers that perches in the soul – and sings the tunes without⁤ the words​ – And⁢ never stops at all.” –⁢ Emily Dickinson

“With God, all things are⁢ possible.” –‌ Matthew⁢ 19:26

“Some people come in our life as ‍blessings. Some come in your life as lessons.” – Mother Teresa

“There is nothing⁤ on this earth more to be ​prized ​than ⁣true ‌friendship.” – Thomas Aquinas

“God⁣ is‌ always on time; never in a hurry and never late.” – Original

“Faith and prayer are the vitamins​ of the soul; man ​cannot live in health without them.” – Mahalia Jackson

Love ‌Quotes

“God’s​ love​ is⁤ essential ⁤like air; we may not see it, but we ⁢cannot live⁤ without it.” -‍ Anonymous

“Love is⁣ the bridge between you and everything.” – Rumi

“To love⁤ another person is⁣ to see ‍the face of God.” – Victor Hugo

“God’s love for us is proclaimed by each ⁢sunrise.” ‌- Anonymous

“Where ⁤there is great ‌love, there ​are⁢ always miracles.” – Willa Cather

“Love is the epiphany ⁣of God in our ⁣poverty.” – Thomas Merton

“In⁢ the flush ‍of love’s light, ‍we dare to​ be brave, and suddenly we see that love costs all we​ are and will ever be. Yet it is only⁣ love which sets us​ free.”‌ – Maya ⁤Angelou

“God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved​ the birds and invented ‍cages.”⁢ – Jacques Deval

“When we love, we see ⁢everything​ in the light of love and ‌God is love.”‌ -​ Anonymous

“Love⁢ is the only reality,​ and it is⁣ not a mere sentiment. It is⁤ the ultimate truth that lies⁣ at the heart ‍of creation.” – Rabindranath ​Tagore

“God’s love for us is like‍ the ocean’s depth: immeasurable and profound.” ⁤- Anonymous

“In divine ⁤love, we find our true ​nature and our profound ‌purpose.” – Anonymous

“God⁢ is⁤ love, and he who‌ abides in love abides in God, and God in ⁣him.” – 1 John 4:16

“Love is God’s‍ chosen language.” – Anonymous

“Love is ‌an‌ endless ⁤act of forgiveness. Forgiveness is the key⁤ to ⁢action ⁢and freedom.” – Maya Angelou

“Let‌ no one ever ⁢come to you without leaving happier. Be the​ living⁢ expression of God’s kindness: ​kindness in your face,⁢ kindness in your eyes, kindness in ​your smile.” – Mother Teresa

“Love is the greatest gift that God has given ⁢us. ⁢It’s free.” – Tara Reid

“God’s love⁤ is⁤ unconditional, and ⁢it is the same towards all.” – ​ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

“Love is composed of a ⁣single soul⁤ inhabiting two bodies.” ⁣- Aristotle

“Love in its essence is spiritual fire.” -⁣ Seneca

“When‍ you ⁢love yourself,‍ you ⁤love ⁣the ‍Creator‍ and immerse in⁢ its divine love.” -‌ Anonymous

“Thou ⁢art to me a delicious ⁢torment.” -⁣ Ralph ‌Waldo Emerson

“Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know⁢ we ⁢cannot ⁣live within.” – James⁢ Baldwin

“As⁢ the Father has loved ⁣me, so have‍ I loved you. Abide in my love.” – John 15:9

“God ‍is the best author of all,‌ for he writes the most beautiful ​love stories.” – Anonymous

“Love ⁤is the greatest⁢ refreshment in life.” – Pablo Picasso

“We are born ⁣of love; Love‍ is our mother.” -⁤ Rumi

“Love ​recognizes no barriers. It⁤ jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to ⁤arrive at ⁣its destination full⁤ of hope.” – Maya Angelou

“God’s love is a mystery: silent,‍ profound, and ​eternal.” – Anonymous

“In love, God ⁣and ‍soul meet ​as one.” -⁤ Anonymous

“Love is the flower. You’ve‌ got to let it grow.” – John Lennon

“For it is ​in giving ⁤that we receive,⁢ and in loving‍ that we find the divine.” ‍- Anonymous

Forgiveness Quotes

“To ‌err⁢ is human; to forgive, divine.” –⁤ Alexander Pope

“Forgiveness is the ⁢fragrance that the ‌violet‌ sheds on the heel that has‌ crushed it.” – ‌Mark Twain

“When you forgive, you ​in no way change the past – ⁤but you sure do change the future.” – Bernard Meltzer

“Darkness‌ cannot drive out darkness; only light‌ can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love ⁢can‌ do that.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“Forgive ​others not because ​they ‍deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.” – Jonathan Lockwood Huie

“Forgiveness is not an occasional act;⁣ it is a permanent attitude.” –⁤ Martin Luther King Jr.

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the‍ attribute of the⁤ strong.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Forgiveness‌ is a gift you give yourself.” –⁣ Suzanne Somers

“Forgiveness does⁣ not change‌ the past, ⁢but it does enlarge the future.” ⁤– Paul Boese

“Forgive, forget. Bear with ​the faults⁢ of others as you would have them‍ bear with yours.” – Phillips ⁣Brooks

“True forgiveness ​is when you ⁢can ⁣say, ‘Thank you for that​ experience.'” – Oprah​ Winfrey

“Without‌ forgiveness, there’s‍ no‌ future.” – ⁤Desmond Tutu

“The act ⁣of forgiveness takes place in our own mind. It​ really has nothing to⁢ do ​with⁤ the other person.” – Louise Hay

“Forgiveness ‍is the key ​to action ⁣and ​freedom.” – Hannah Arendt

“The practice of forgiveness is ​our most important contribution to the healing of the world.” – Marianne Williamson

“Forgive​ your ‌enemies, but never⁣ forget their names.” – ⁣John F. ​Kennedy

“Resentment ‌is ⁢like drinking poison and then‌ hoping it will kill your enemies.” –‍ Nelson Mandela

“We must ‍develop and maintain the capacity⁣ to forgive.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“Forgiveness is the economy of ⁢the ‌heart… ⁢forgiveness⁢ saves⁤ the expense​ of anger,‍ the cost of hatred, the ‌waste of spirits.” – Hannah More

“To forgive is ⁢to set ​a prisoner free⁢ and discover that‌ the ⁣prisoner⁣ was you.” – ⁣Lewis ⁤B. Smedes

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“God’s grace is bigger than your sin.”⁣ – ⁢Steve ⁤Maraboli

“Forgiveness is ⁢the sweetest revenge.” – Isaac Friedmann

“The heart of a mother⁣ is ‍a deep abyss at the bottom​ of which⁣ you will⁤ always find forgiveness.” – Honore⁣ de Balzac

“Forgiving⁢ you is my⁣ gift to you. Moving on ​is my gift to myself.”⁢ – Unknown

“Forgiveness says ⁣you are‍ given another chance to make a new beginning.” ⁣– Desmond Tutu

“Forgive us our‍ sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against​ us.” – Luke‌ 11:4

“Forgiveness liberates the soul, it⁣ removes⁤ fear.” –⁣ Nelson Mandela

“Forgiving⁤ is not ⁤forgetting. It’s letting ​go of the ⁤hurt.” – Kathy

“Forgiveness⁤ is the needle that knows how ⁤to mend.” – ⁤Jewel Kilcher

“In‍ the process of letting go, you will lose many‌ things⁣ from the past, but you will find yourself.” –‍ Deepak Chopra

“Forgiveness is a funny ‍thing. It warms the heart ​and ‍cools ​the sting.” – William Arthur Ward

“We ⁢achieve​ inner health only through forgiveness – the forgiveness not only of others but also of ourselves.”⁢ – Joshua Loth Liebman

Peace⁣ Quotes

“Peace ⁣begins with a⁤ smile.” – Mother Teresa

“God cannot give ‌us a happiness ⁣and peace apart​ from Himself because it is not there. ⁣There⁣ is⁢ no such thing.” – C.S. Lewis

“When ⁢the power of love ​overcomes⁣ the love of power, the world​ will know ‍peace.” -‍ Jimi Hendrix

“For ⁣I know the plans I have for you, declares ​the LORD, plans to prosper ⁣you and not to harm you, plans‍ to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah ‍29:11 (Bible)

“Peace is the only ‍battle worth⁢ waging.”⁣ – Albert Camus

“The ultimate source of peace is within us.” – Dalai Lama

“God ⁣is⁣ our refuge and strength, an ever-present ⁣help‌ in trouble.” – Psalm 46:1 (Bible)

“Peace is not the absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by⁤ peaceful means.” ⁢- ⁣Ronald Reagan

“Do not let your ​hearts be troubled. Trust in‍ God; ⁤trust also in me.” -​ John 14:1‍ (Bible)

“An eye for ⁢an eye‌ only​ ends up making ​the whole ⁣world‌ blind.”⁣ – Mahatma Gandhi

“Peace comes from ⁣within. Do not‍ seek it⁤ without.”​ – Buddha

“The Lord gives strength to ⁣his people; the⁤ Lord blesses his people with peace.”⁤ – Psalm ⁣29:11 (Bible)

“The ⁤measure of wisdom is how calm you are when facing any ​given situation.” – Naval Ravikant

“In the ⁣midst of ⁣movement and ​chaos, keep stillness inside⁢ of you.” ⁣- Deepak Chopra

“The ⁢fruit of righteousness will‌ be peace; the effect of righteousness will be​ quietness and confidence forever.” – Isaiah 32:17 (Bible)

“The more you sweat in⁢ peace, the‍ less you bleed⁤ in war.” -⁤ Norman⁤ Schwarzkopf

“Peace is​ liberty in tranquility.” ⁢- ⁤Marcus Tullius Cicero

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”⁢ – Matthew 5:9 (Bible)

“Peace cannot ‌be⁢ kept by force; it can‌ only be achieved by understanding.” – Albert Einstein

“God’s voice is ⁢still and quiet and easily buried under an avalanche⁤ of clamour.” – Charles Stanley

“Peace is the result of​ retraining your ‍mind to process life as it is, rather than ‌as you‍ think‌ it should be.” – Wayne Dyer

“The peace of⁣ God, which‌ transcends all understanding, will guard your ‌hearts and⁢ your ‌minds in Christ Jesus.” ‌- Philippians 4:7 ‍(Bible)

“You ⁤find peace⁤ not by ⁣rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.” ‍- Eckhart Tolle

“God is the ⁢friend of silence. See how nature – trees,‍ flowers, grass ⁢– grows in silence; see the stars, the moon ⁢and​ the ⁣sun, how they move in⁤ silence.”​ – Mother Teresa

“If we have no peace,⁣ it is because we‌ have forgotten that we belong to⁣ each ​other.”⁤ -⁣ Mother Teresa

“Let the ‌peace‍ of Christ rule ​in⁤ your hearts, since as⁣ members ⁢of one body you were ​called to peace.”​ -​ Colossians ​3:15 (Bible)

“To be calm ⁤is the highest achievement of the self.” – Zen Proverb

“Be still, and know that I am God.” ‌- Psalm 46:10 (Bible)

“Success⁤ is peace of mind, which is a ⁣direct result‌ of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best‌ you are capable of becoming.” – John Wooden

“The more⁢ peaceful you become, the more ⁤calmness and ‌tranquility you ‍radiate.”‍ – Author Unknown

“God’s peace ⁢is‍ not defined by the absence of⁣ storms, but by ‍the calm He⁣ brings amidst them.” – Me

“The greatest weapon against ​stress is our ability ‌to choose one thought over another.” – William James

Strength Quotes

“God gives strength to the⁢ weary‍ and increases ‍the power of ⁤the weak.” ⁤– Isaiah ⁢40:29

“With ⁢God, all things‌ are possible.” ⁤– Matthew 19:26

“Faith is the‌ strength ⁤by which a shattered⁣ world shall emerge into the light.” – ​Helen Keller

“The⁣ Lord is my strength ⁣and my song;‍ He has given me victory.” – Exodus 15:2

“God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness.”‍ – 2⁣ Corinthians 12:9

“He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no​ might‍ He increases strength.”‌ – ​Isaiah 40:29

“I can do‍ all‌ things through Christ who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13

“Do ​not‌ grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”⁤ – Nehemiah 8:10

“The strength of the Lord is an unwavering ​fortress⁣ amidst life’s ‌fiercest storms.”‌ –‌ Anonymous

“When ‌you have exhausted ‍all possibilities, ‍remember this: You haven’t.” – Thomas ‌Edison

“Be strong‌ and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord ⁤your God will be with you⁤ wherever you ⁢go.” – Joshua 1:9

“In God’s presence, we find the strength to‍ endure the ‌hardest ⁣trials.” – Anonymous

“be strong in the⁣ Lord and ⁢in His mighty power.” – Ephesians 6:10

“Trust ⁣in the Lord with all ‍your heart⁤ and ⁢lean not‍ on your own⁤ understanding.” – Proverbs ⁣3:5

“It‌ is God who ⁣arms⁣ me with strength and keeps my way​ secure.” ⁤– ⁤Psalm 18:32

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look ⁤fear in the face.” –​ Eleanor Roosevelt

“God is⁢ within her, she will not fall; God will help her ​at break of ⁤day.” – Psalm ‌46:5

“God ​does not⁣ give us overcoming life; He gives us life ‍as we overcome.”‍ – ⁣Oswald Chambers

“God often uses our deepest pain as ​the launching pad of our greatest calling.” – Anonymous

“The Lord is my light and my⁤ salvation—whom ⁣shall I fear?” – Psalm 27:1

“God’s strength ​is the wind beneath the wings⁢ of the ‍weary soul.” ‍– ‍Anonymous

“My flesh and ​my heart may fail,⁣ but God is the ⁤strength of ⁣my heart‌ and⁢ my ‍portion forever.”​ – Psalm ‌73:26

“The ‍righteous⁤ cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all⁣ their ⁤troubles.”​ – Psalm 34:17

“The more we⁣ depend on God, the more ⁣dependable we find He is.” – Cliff ⁢Richard

“When God is your partner, make your plans big!” –⁢ D.L. Moody

“The Lord gives strength to⁤ His⁢ people; the Lord ⁢blesses His people with ‍peace.” ‌– Psalm 29:11

“When we are weak, then we are strong in the ⁢strength⁢ of our God.” – Anonymous

“The Lord’s mercy​ often rides to the door of our ⁢heart upon the black horse of affliction.” – Charles Spurgeon

“He‌ who kneels before‌ God can stand​ before⁤ anyone.” – Anonymous

“God is‍ our refuge and strength, an⁤ ever-present help in‌ trouble.” –‍ Psalm 46:1

“God never​ gives someone a⁢ gift they are not capable of receiving. If He gives us the gift of Christmas, it is because we all ⁢have the ‍ability to ⁢understand and‍ receive ‌it.” – ‌Pope Francis

“God helps those who ⁣help themselves.”⁢ –‌ Benjamin Franklin

Gratitude ⁣Quotes

“Gratitude ​bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter ⁢God in the ordinary moments.” – John Milton

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“Ingratitude is a sin as whole as ingratitude to God.” –⁣ Dante Alighieri

“God gave you a gift of 86,400 ​seconds​ today. Have ‍you used one to say‍ ‘thank you?'” –⁤ William Arthur Ward

“Even in the⁣ storm, there ​is a place of shelter. Giving​ thanks to ‍God reminds ⁣us of this ‌refuge.” – Unknown

“Gratitude opens ‌the door to the power,⁢ the ⁤wisdom, the creativity of the universe. You open the door through God’s work.” ‍– ⁢Deepak Chopra

“We ‍must find‌ time to stop and thank the people who make ‍a difference in our ⁢lives,⁣ and ‌the God who makes ‍all life possible.”​ – John F. Kennedy

“To speak gratitude‍ is courteous and pleasant,⁣ to enact gratitude is generous⁣ and noble, but to live gratitude is ⁤to touch Heaven.” ‌– Johannes A. Gaertner

“The grateful heart is not only the greatest virtue but the ⁤parent of all other virtues.” – Cicero

“Gratitude ⁤is the memory⁢ of the heart, an unending ⁤prayer to ‍God.” – ​Jean Baptiste ‍Massieu

“In ​all things, give thanks; For this is ‍God’s will for you‌ in​ Christ ‌Jesus.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18

“Gratitude turns what we have into​ enough, and more. It turns denial into ⁣acceptance,​ chaos ‌to order, confusion to clarity. It makes sense of our ‍past, brings ‌peace for today, and creates⁤ a ⁤vision for tomorrow.” – Melody ⁤Beattie

“God’s love ⁤endures forever, and that is‌ reason enough for gratitude.” – ​Unknown

“The soul that gives thanks can find⁤ comfort in‍ everything; the soul that complains can find ‌comfort in nothing.” – Hannah Whitall Smith

“Silent gratitude ⁣isn’t‍ very much use ‍to anyone.”⁤ – Gertrude Stein, With God ​as the ⁤listener, make your gratitude ⁢known.

“Feeling gratitude and‌ not expressing⁢ it is like⁣ wrapping ⁤a‌ present and⁢ not giving it.” – William Arthur Ward

“Gratitude is‌ not ‌only the greatest ‍of virtues but the parent of all others. It ⁢brings​ us closer to God.” –​ Cicero

“No⁤ duty is more urgent ⁤than that of ⁢returning thanks. For in ‌thanking, we acknowledge the blessings given by⁢ God.” – James Allen

“Let ​us be ‍grateful to people who ⁣make us happy; they are the⁣ charming gardeners who‌ make our souls blossom through God’s grace.” – Marcel Proust

“In the ⁢presence of God, all gratitude⁤ is endless.” –​ Ralph ‌Waldo Emerson

“Gratitude is‌ the fairest blossom ⁢which springs from the ⁢soul, watered by the‍ nourishment of God’s‍ love.” ​– Henry‌ Ward Beecher

“Gratitude changes the ⁤pangs of memory into a tranquil joy. In⁢ this​ joy, we remember God’s⁢ hand.”​ – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“Acknowledging the‍ good ⁤that ⁤you already have in your life is the foundation for all ⁢abundance.” – Eckhart Tolle, And it begins ‌with gratitude towards ‍God.

“The ⁢more​ grateful I am, the more beauty I ⁣see.” – Mary ‍Davis, And in all beauty, we see God’s⁣ hand.

“Gratitude is the wine for the⁢ soul.​ Go on. Get drunk.” – Rumi, ‌On the blessings bestowed ⁤by God.

“When ⁤you ‌arise in ⁣the morning, think ‌of what a precious ⁤privilege it‍ is to be alive – to breathe, to think, ‌to enjoy, to love.” – Marcus Aurelius, And thank God⁢ for⁣ it all.

“Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel‍ to⁢ say ​your nightly prayer.” – Maya ‍Angelou

“Gratitude unlocks ​the fullness of life.⁤ It ​turns what we have into enough,‍ and more.” – Melody Beattie

“In​ ordinary life, we hardly realize that ‍we⁤ receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only ‍with ‌gratitude that life becomes rich.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“Gratitude can​ transform common⁤ days⁤ into thanksgivings, turn​ routine jobs‌ into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”‌ – William Arthur Ward

“For each new morning with its ‍light, For rest and shelter of ⁣the night, For health‍ and ‌food,​ for love and friends,⁣ For everything⁣ Thy goodness sends.” – Ralph Waldo‍ Emerson

“Gratitude is not just ⁣a reaction to receiving⁢ what we ⁢want, but an ​all-encompassing appreciation ‌that ⁢transcends circumstances.” – ‌Kristi Nelson

“It is not ⁢happy people‌ who are ⁢thankful. It is thankful people‌ who​ are happy.” – Unknown

Guidance ⁤Quotes

“God⁣ gives every bird ⁣its food, but He ​does not throw⁢ it⁢ into its nest.” – J.G.‌ Holland

“When God​ gives⁤ you ⁤a new beginning, it starts with an ‍ending.” – ‌Unknown

“God has⁣ given you one face, and​ you make ⁢yourself another.” – William Shakespeare

“We need⁤ to find God, and⁤ he cannot be found ⁢in noise‍ and restlessness. God is the friend⁣ of silence.” – Mother Teresa

“God doesn’t​ require ⁣us to succeed, He only requires that you try.” ⁤– Mother Teresa

“Sometimes God will place a​ Goliath in your life, for you to find ⁢the David within you.” – Unknown

“God​ gives us difficulties to bring out the‌ best ⁣in⁤ us.” ⁤– Marvin J. Ashton

“God’s ways are as​ mysterious ‍as the depths of the⁣ ocean.” – Lailah Gifty‌ Akita

“Faith is about trusting ‍God ⁤even​ when you don’t understand His plan.”​ – Unknown

“God ⁢enters by a private door into every ⁣individual.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“God can turn water into wine, but⁢ He ⁤can’t turn⁣ your whining into anything.” – Mark‌ Batterson

“The purpose of life ⁢is ​not to be ‌happy, but​ to be worthy⁤ of happiness through our connection​ to God.” – Unknown

“God knows the secret plan of ⁤the things⁢ He will ⁣do for the​ world, using⁣ my hand.”​ – ‍Toyohiko ⁢Kagawa

“We can make our plans, but⁣ the Lord determines⁣ our steps.” – Proverbs‌ 16:9

“God does ‍not ‍call the qualified, He qualifies‌ the called.” – Unknown

“You⁣ don’t choose your family. ‌They are God’s⁤ gift ‌to you, ‍as you⁢ are to⁣ them.” ‍– ‌Desmond Tutu

“God is our‌ refuge and ‌strength, ​an ever-present help in trouble.” ⁣– ‌Psalm 46:1

“Life is‍ God’s novel, ⁤let​ Him⁢ write it.” – Isaac Bashevis Singer

“God is silently ⁣planning for you in love, ​for it matters to Him about you.” – Frances J. Roberts

“Remember who you are. Don’t ​compromise for anyone, for‌ any ⁢reason. ​You⁢ are a child ​of⁢ the Almighty God. ⁣Live ⁢that ⁣truth.” – Lysa‍ TerKeurst

“He who kneels ​before ⁤God ‌can stand before anyone.” –⁤ Unknown

“God is not ​what you⁣ imagine or what you think ‍you understand.‌ If ⁢you understand you have failed.” – Saint ⁣Augustine

“God has⁤ not called​ us‍ to see through each ‌other, but to see each other through.” –​ Unknown

“God has a purpose for your⁤ pain, a reason for your struggle, and⁣ a​ gift ‌for ​your faithfulness. ⁣Trust Him and don’t ⁤give up.” – Unknown

“God’s promises are like the stars;​ the darker the night, the brighter‌ they shine.” – David ‌Nicholas

“Faith is believing that God is ⁤present when all we hear is silence.” ⁤– Unknown

“You must be the change you wish to see⁣ in the world, guided by the​ divine light within.” ‍– Mahatma‌ Gandhi

“Trust the past ‌to God’s mercy, ⁣the present ⁣to God’s love, and the future to God’s providence.” – Saint Augustine

“When you feel like⁣ you’re drowning in ⁢life, don’t ⁤worry. Your lifeguard ⁣walks on water.”⁣ – Unknown

“God understands our prayers even⁢ when ⁣we can’t find the words to say them.” – Unknown

“Pray ‍as⁢ though everything depended on God. ⁤Work as though everything depended on you.” – Saint⁢ Augustine

“God’s love‍ is ⁢like ​an ocean. You can see its beginning, but not ​its end.” –‍ Rick Warren

Wrapping‌ Up

Wrapping up our⁢ list⁢ of the best⁢ God quotes,⁢ it’s clear how powerful ​words can be. These quotes offer comfort, wisdom,‌ and‌ a deeper understanding of faith. They remind‍ us ⁤of the strength⁤ and ⁢peace ⁢that belief ‌in God can bring.

Whether you’re seeking motivation or a moment of peace, these quotes ⁢provide just ⁢that. They show⁣ how faith can guide us through tough times and celebrate ​joyous ⁤moments. Keep visiting for more uplifting quotes that ⁣inspire and encourage.

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