Letting Go Quotes

Letting go can be ‍one of ‌the hardest things to do. Whether‍ it’s⁢ releasing old‌ dreams, relationships, or past‍ mistakes, moving on takes strength ‍and courage. Sometimes, the right⁣ words can offer‍ comfort and help guide your path.

In this⁣ article, you’ll find some of the best ‌quotes about letting go. These quotes, from ‍thinkers and writers, can offer⁢ a fresh perspective and‌ remind you that ⁣it’s okay to move forward. Let these words‌ provide the inspiration you need to embrace new possibilities.

Quotes for Fresh Beginnings

“The only ⁣way to make sense out of change ⁢is ⁣to plunge into it, move with it, and ⁤join ⁢the dance.”⁤ – ‌Alan Watts

“Every new ‍beginning comes from some other ⁢beginning’s end.” ⁢-‌ Seneca

“Letting​ go means to come to the realization that some⁢ people are ‍a ⁤part ⁢of your‍ history,‌ but not a part ⁤of ‌your ⁣destiny.” – Steve⁢ Maraboli

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide ‌that ⁤you are not going to stay⁢ where ⁣you are.” – J.P.⁣ Morgan

“Sometimes the hardest⁢ part isn’t​ letting go but rather learning to ⁤start⁢ over.” -⁢ Nicole Sobon

“Every morning⁤ is a chance at⁣ a⁢ new day.” -‌ Marjorie Pay Hinckley

“There are far better things ​ahead than any we leave ​behind.” – C.S.⁤ Lewis

“Courage is the power ⁣to let go of the familiar.” – Raymond Lindquist

“The beautiful⁣ journey‌ of today can only ‍begin‍ when⁣ we learn ⁣to let go of yesterday.” – Steve‍ Maraboli

“You are never⁤ too⁢ old to set ‌another goal or to dream⁤ a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis

“Life is not about‌ waiting⁤ for⁢ the storm to‍ pass but about learning to dance in the⁣ rain.” – ⁤Vivian⁢ Greene

“The ⁢beginning is always today.” – Mary Wollstonecraft

“We must be willing ⁢to⁣ let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that⁣ is waiting for us.” ⁢ – Joseph Campbell

“New beginnings are often disguised as painful ⁣endings.” – Lao‍ Tzu

“Don’t be​ afraid to‍ start ⁢over. It’s a chance to build something better this time.” -⁢ Unknown

“Forgiveness means letting go​ of the⁣ past.” ​ – Gerald Jampolsky

“One can ⁢begin so many things with ⁢a new⁢ person—even begin to be a⁤ better‍ man.” ⁤ – George ‌Eliot

“Letting go ⁤gives ​us ⁢freedom,​ and ⁢freedom is the only condition for ​happiness.”⁣ – Thich Nhat Hanh

“The best time for new‌ beginnings‌ is now.” -⁤ Unknown

“Nothing in⁤ the ‌universe can stop‍ you ⁤from letting ⁢go and starting over.” – Guy Finley

“When one door closes, another ⁣door opens; but‌ we often look ​so long and so⁤ regretfully upon ​the closed door that we do not see the one which has ​opened for ⁣us.” – Alexander Graham ‍Bell

“Don’t let⁣ yesterday take ‌up too ⁤much⁤ of today.” -⁤ Will Rogers

“It’s never ‌too late to be who you might have ‍been.” ⁤ – George Eliot

“Letting go doesn’t mean that you ‌don’t⁤ care about⁣ someone anymore. It’s just realizing that ⁢the only person you ​really‌ have control over is yourself.” – Deborah Reber

“New beginnings are often⁣ disguised as painful endings.” -⁣ Lao Tzu

“You can only lose what you cling to.” ‍ – ​Buddha

“Take​ the first step ​in faith. You don’t‌ have ‍to see the ⁣whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Martin ​Luther ⁢King Jr.

“Every sunset is an opportunity to ‍reset.” ​-‌ Richie ​Norton

“Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is ⁤more open.” – Ralph Marston

Inspirational⁣ Quotes on Letting Go

“Some of us​ think holding on makes‍ us⁤ strong, ⁤but sometimes⁣ it ‌is letting go.”⁣ – Hermann ‍Hesse

“Letting go ⁢means to come to the realization that some people are⁤ a part‍ of your history, but not‍ a ⁣part of ‌your destiny.”‌ – Steve ​Maraboli

“The only way to change the future is to let go ​of the past.”⁣ –⁣ Anonymous

“Sometimes the hardest part isn’t letting go but rather learning ​to start ⁣over.”​ – ​Nicole Sobon

“You can’t start the next ⁢chapter of your life​ if you keep re-reading the ⁣last one.” – Unknown

“In the process of‌ letting go,‍ you ⁣will lose⁤ many things ‍from the past, but you will find ⁢yourself.” ⁢ – Deepak Chopra

“Holding on is believing that ⁤there’s only‌ a past; ⁢letting go​ is knowing that ‍there’s a future.” – Daphne Rose ⁣Kingma

“You ⁢must learn to let go. Release⁣ the stress. You were never in control anyway.” – Steve ⁣Maraboli

“Letting ‌go‍ gives us ⁢freedom, and ‌freedom ​is​ the only condition for happiness.” – Thich⁤ Nhat Hanh

“When one door closes, another opens; but ‌we often look so long​ and‌ so regretfully ‌upon ⁣the closed door that we do ⁣not see the one which has opened for us.” – Alexander⁣ Graham Bell

“Let go of your attachment⁤ to being ‍right, and suddenly your mind​ is more​ open.”‍ – ⁣Ralph Marston

“We must be ‍willing to let go ​of the‌ life⁢ we’ve planned, so‍ as⁣ to have the life ⁤that ⁢is⁣ waiting for ⁢us.” – Joseph⁤ Campbell

“It⁣ is by ‌giving the freedom ‍to the other ⁣that is by⁤ letting ‌go,⁤ we gain our⁤ own freedom back.” – Aleksandra Ninkovic

“Pain⁢ will leave‌ you, when you​ let go.” – Jeremy Aldana

“Letting go‌ doesn’t​ mean that​ you don’t‍ care about someone ⁣anymore. It’s⁤ just realizing ⁤that the only person​ you really⁢ have ⁤control over is ⁣yourself.” ‍–​ Deborah ⁤Reber

“Forgiveness means letting go of the ​past.” – Gerald Jampolsky

“The greatest step‌ towards a ‍life ‌of simplicity is to learn⁢ to let go.” ⁤ – Steve Maraboli

“To let go ‌does not mean to get​ rid⁤ of. To⁤ let go means to let be. When we let be with compassion, ​things ​come and go on their own.” – Jack⁢ Kornfield

“Renew your mind and⁣ refresh your ​heart. Let go and let God take charge.” –‍ Unknown

“Let go of certainty. ​The opposite isn’t uncertainty. It’s openness, curiosity, and a ​willingness to embrace paradox, rather than choose up sides. The‍ ultimate ​challenge⁢ is to accept ourselves exactly as we⁣ are, but‍ never stop trying to learn and⁣ grow.” – Tony Schwartz

“There’s a trick ⁣to the Graceful Exit. It begins⁤ with the‍ vision‍ to recognize ‌when a job, a ⁤life stage, a relationship is‌ over – and⁣ to ⁣let go. It means ‍leaving what’s over without denying its value.” – Ellen Goodman

“Letting⁣ go isn’t ⁣about having the courage to⁣ release ‍the ⁣past; it’s about​ having⁢ the wisdom to⁣ embrace the⁤ present.” ⁣ – Steve Maraboli

“You​ can only⁣ lose what you cling to.”⁢ – Buddha

“The beautiful‌ journey of today can only begin ⁤when we⁢ learn to let go of yesterday.” ‍ – Steve Maraboli

“Letting go doesn’t mean giving ​up, but rather ⁢accepting that there are things that cannot be.” – Anonymous

“Sometimes you⁣ have ⁤to let⁢ things go. Sometimes​ you ‌have to stop caring for the moment. Sometimes you have to step‍ back ‍and ​let things be.‌ Sometimes ‌you have to let ⁣people⁣ be.” – Anonymous

“Real strength is​ not just a condition of one’s ‍muscle, but a⁤ tenderness in one’s spirit.” ⁣ – McCallister​ Dodds

“Step‌ back and watch​ your troubles dissolve. ⁤Let go a little and just ​let life happen.”⁣ – Unknown

“To let go⁢ is⁣ to release the images‍ and emotions, the⁢ grudges and fears, ⁢the clinging‍ and disappointments ⁤of‍ the past that bind our ​spirit.” – ‌Jack⁤ Kornfield

Quotes to Help ‌You Move Forward

“The‌ only way ​to make sense out of change‍ is ⁣to plunge⁢ into it,​ move⁣ with it, and join the dance.” ⁣ – Alan Watts

“In the process of‍ letting⁤ go you will lose ​many ‍things​ from the ⁢past,⁣ but ⁤you will find yourself.” – Deepak‍ Chopra

“Some of us think⁢ holding on makes us strong,⁣ but sometimes⁤ it ⁣is letting go.” – Herman Hesse

“You can’t ⁤start ⁣the⁤ next chapter of‌ your life if you ​keep ‌re-reading⁢ the last one.”⁤ – Unknown

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“If you’re‌ brave enough to say ⁤goodbye, life will reward⁣ you with a ‍new ​hello.” -⁤ Paulo Coelho

“Letting go does not ​mean you ‌stop caring. It means ⁣you stop trying ‍to force ‍others to.” – Mandy Hale

“The greatest step towards a life of⁤ simplicity is to learn to ⁤let go.” – ⁢Steve Maraboli

“The art of ⁢letting go ‌is simply focusing all your​ energy on ⁣building the new.” ​ – Brianna Wiest

“Just because you miss someone⁤ doesn’t⁣ mean ‍you need them back ‍in your life. Missing is ⁣just a⁢ part of ‍moving on.” ⁣ – ‌Mackelmore

“We⁢ must be ⁤willing to ⁣let go of the ‍life we planned ⁤so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”​ – Joseph Campbell

“Pain⁤ will leave you,⁣ when you let ‍go.”⁤ – Jeremy Aldana

“Letting ⁤go gives us freedom, and freedom ‌is the only condition for happiness.” – Thich ​Nhat Hanh

“Holding on ‌is believing that⁤ there’s only⁤ a ‌past; letting go is knowing that there’s a future.” – Daphne Rose Kingma

“The beautiful​ journey of ⁤today can only begin when we learn to ‌let go⁤ of yesterday.” – Steve Maraboli

“You will find that it‌ is⁣ necessary to let things go; simply for the reason ‍that they ⁣are heavy.” – C. JoyBell C.

“Some things are heavy. You ⁣can’t change that.‌ You can only learn to⁤ live light.” – Emily Ley

“Sometimes the hardest part isn’t⁢ letting⁣ go but rather learning to start⁢ over.” -‌ Nicole⁤ Sobon

“It’s never⁤ too‍ late to ⁤become who you⁣ might ‍have been.” – George ⁢Eliot

“You don’t have ⁢to forget about⁢ it all, but you need​ to let go⁤ to move on.”​ – Unknown

“Accept⁣ yourself, love ⁤yourself, and keep moving forward.” ​ – Roy T. Bennett

“The first step towards getting ⁣somewhere ​is to decide that you​ are not going⁤ to stay ⁢where you ⁢are.” – J.P. Morgan

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” – Seneca

“Moving on doesn’t mean ​you forget about things. It just means you ​have to accept what​ happened and continue living.” – Erza Scarlet

“To let go is⁣ to⁤ be in control of​ what you ⁣can control and stop ⁢worrying about what you can’t.” – Dr. Steve Maraboli

“The‌ hardest part of moving ‍forward ⁢is not looking back.” – Unknown

“You only struggle because you’re ready to‍ grow but aren’t willing to‌ let⁤ go.” – Drew Gerald

“Letting go ⁤isn’t a one-time ⁣thing, ⁢it’s something you ⁢have to⁣ do ‌every day, over ⁤and⁤ over again.” – Dawson’s Creek

“Life​ moves⁤ on and ‌so‌ should ⁢we.” – Spencer Johnson

“Remember,⁣ the only constant in ⁣life ​is change. Embrace it.” – Buddha

“The past ​is a place of reference, not⁤ a ​place of‌ residence.” – Roy ‌T. Bennett

Famous Quotes on‍ Release

“Some of ⁣us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.” – Hermann Hesse

“Letting ⁤go means​ to come to ⁢the realization that some people​ are a ‍part of your‌ history,⁢ but not a part⁣ of your destiny.”⁤ – ⁣Steve‍ Maraboli

“You ‍can only lose⁣ what you cling to.” – Buddha

“Courage is the power to⁤ let​ go of the ​familiar.” – Raymond Lindquist

“When one door closes,‌ another ​opens; but ​we ‌often look so long and so regretfully‌ upon the closed door that we‍ do not see⁢ the⁢ one which has ‍opened for us.” – Alexander Graham Bell

“Let go of your attachment to⁣ being⁢ right, and suddenly ⁢your mind is⁢ more open.” – Ralph Marston

“Holding on ⁤is⁣ believing that there’s ⁢only a past;⁢ letting go is ⁤knowing that there’s a future.”​ – Daphne‌ Rose⁤ Kingma

“The beautiful ‌journey of ⁢today can ​only begin when‍ we learn to let go of yesterday.”​ – Steve Maraboli

“It ⁣is ​by giving the freedom to the other, that is by letting ​go, ⁣we gain our ⁣own freedom back.” – Aleksandra⁤ Ninkovic

“In the⁤ process of ​letting go, you will lose many things from ⁢the past, but you will find yourself.” – ‍Deepak Chopra

“There are ‌things that we never⁢ want to let go‌ of, ​people we never ⁢want to ⁤leave ⁣behind, but keep in‌ mind that‍ letting go isn’t the end of ‌the world, it’s ⁢the beginning of ​a new life.” – Unknown

“Sometimes ⁤the ⁢hardest‌ part isn’t letting ⁢go but rather learning to ‌start over.” – Nicole Sobon

“The only thing more unthinkable than ⁤leaving was staying; the only ​thing⁢ more impossible ⁤than staying ⁤was leaving.” ⁤ – Elizabeth Gilbert

“You‍ have​ to ‍let​ go of who‍ you ⁤were‌ to⁢ become who you⁢ will ‌be.” ⁤-⁣ Candace Bushnell

“To let​ go does​ not mean⁣ to get rid of. To let go means⁤ to let be. When we let be with compassion, ‌things come and go ‍on their own.” – Jack Kornfield

“Grief is often just another ‌name for love. If you can love, ‍then‍ you can let go.” – Kamand⁤ Kojouri

“Your peace is more important than‍ driving yourself⁣ crazy trying to understand why ​something happened the ⁢way‌ it did. Let it go.” – Mandy Hale

“Letting go‍ isn’t a one-time ⁤thing, ⁢it’s‌ something you have to do every day, over and over again.” ⁣ – Dawson’s‍ Creek

“You⁤ don’t‌ need strength to let go ‍of something.‌ What you really need ⁤is understanding.” ‌ – Guy‍ Finley

“Sometimes you ​have to let ‍things go so there’s room⁣ for better ⁢things to come into your life.” ‍-⁣ Bryant McGill

“The ⁣truth was, he now belonged only to my past, and it was time⁢ I began to accept ⁣it, as much as it hurt‌ to do so.”‍ – Tammara Webber

“Letting go of​ someone⁤ we love ⁢is ⁢the most challenging and painful task in life.” – ‌Unknown

“Sometimes people ‌come into your life just to teach you how ‌to let go.” ‌ – Unknown

“Forgiveness means letting go of ⁤the past.” – Gerald Jampolsky

“Letting go gives us freedom,⁢ and freedom is⁢ the only condition for happiness.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

“The day I understood everything, was‍ the ​day​ I⁤ stopped‌ trying to figure ​everything out. The day⁣ I knew peace ⁢was the day I​ let everything ⁣go.” – C.‌ JoyBell C.

“Let go of certainty. The opposite isn’t uncertainty. ⁣It’s ⁢openness, curiosity, and ⁤a willingness to embrace paradox,⁣ rather‍ than choose up sides.” – ⁣Tony Schwartz

“Accept yourself, love​ yourself, and keep moving forward. If ​you want​ to fly, you⁣ have⁤ to give up⁣ what ‍weighs⁤ you down.” – Roy ​T. Bennett

“You don’t always⁢ need clarity. Sometimes you need to relax, breathe⁢ deep, and ⁤trust the⁤ process.”⁣ – Unknown

Heartfelt Quotes​ for⁣ New Chapters

“Every new beginning comes⁣ from some other​ beginning’s end.”‍ – Seneca

“It ‌is ⁣not‍ the‌ end of the road, but a bend in the journey.”​ – ⁣J.R.R.​ Tolkien

“Life is a series of​ natural⁤ and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that ⁢only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow​ naturally ⁢forward​ in‍ whatever way they‍ like.” – Lao ‍Tzu

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on ‍fighting the old, ⁢but ⁣on building the new.” – Socrates

“Sometimes goodbye is a ‌second chance.” –​ Shinedown, “Second Chance”

“You ‌can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.”⁢ –⁣ Unknown

“Growth is painful. Change is painful. ‌But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you⁤ don’t belong.” –⁤ N.R. Narayana ⁢Murthy

“The ⁣beautiful journey of today can‌ only begin when we learn to ⁢let go ⁣of yesterday.”‌ –‍ Steve Maraboli

“To let ​go does‌ not mean⁤ to get rid of. To‌ let​ go ‌means to let be. When we let ⁣be with compassion, things come‌ and⁤ go on their own.” – Jack Kornfield

“Letting ⁣go means to come to ​the realization ⁣that some​ people are a part⁢ of your ⁢history, ‍but ⁤not‌ a ‍part of your destiny.” – Steve Maraboli

“The ⁢first step‌ towards getting somewhere ⁤is ⁤to decide you’re ‌not going to stay where you are.” – ⁣J.P.‍ Morgan

“It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.” – ‍Chuck Palahniuk, “Fight Club”

“When ⁣one door closes, another ⁣opens;⁢ but we often⁤ look so long and ​so regretfully upon ⁣the closed ​door that we do not see‍ the⁢ one‌ which has been⁣ opened for us.” –⁣ Alexander ⁣Graham‌ Bell

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“It’s ‌not about forgetting. It’s about⁢ letting‍ go of the hurt.” – Unknown

“To live in hearts we‌ leave behind is ⁤not to die.”⁣ – Thomas Campbell

“Patience is necessary, ⁤and‍ one cannot reap immediately ⁤where one has⁤ sown.” ⁣ – Soren Kierkegaard

“You ‍are not⁣ a victim. No matter what you⁣ have been through, you’re still⁣ here. You may ⁤have been challenged, hurt, betrayed, beaten, and discouraged,⁣ but nothing has ‌defeated ⁤you.” – Steve Maraboli

“Forgiveness means letting go of the past.” – ​Gerald Jampolsky

“Let ⁤go of your attachment to being right, and ‍suddenly your mind is more open.” – ⁢Ralph Marston

“Some of us think​ holding on‍ makes⁣ us strong, but sometimes it​ is⁤ letting ​go.” – Hermann Hesse

“Change is the⁢ essence ⁤of life; be willing to⁢ surrender ⁣what you are ⁢for ⁣what you could become.” – Reinhold ⁣Niebuhr

“You can only ​lose what you⁢ cling to.” – Buddha

“Your⁣ journey has molded⁢ you ​for⁤ the greater good, ‍and⁢ it was ​exactly what it needed to be.⁢ Don’t think‌ that you’ve lost time.” – Asha⁢ Tyson

“Sometimes the hardest part isn’t letting go but ​rather learning to start over.” – Nicole Sobon

“Holding on⁢ is believing that there’s only a past; letting go is​ knowing ​that there’s a future.” ⁣ – Daphne ‍Rose ‍Kingma

“You must learn ​to ⁢let go.⁣ Release​ the stress. You were ‌never ‍in control anyway.” –⁢ Steve Maraboli

“We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that ‍is waiting for ‌us.”‍ –‍ Joseph Campbell

“The only‍ real‌ battle in life‍ is between ⁤hanging⁣ on and letting go.”⁢ – Shannon⁤ L. Alder

“Letting go ‌gives‌ us freedom, ‌and freedom is the only⁤ condition ‌for happiness.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

“Sometimes, you have to let⁤ go ‌to see if there was anything worth holding‍ on to.” – Unknown

Uplifting ‍Quotes on Change

“Change is the essence of life; be​ willing to surrender what you⁣ are ⁢for what you ⁣could become.” – Reinhold Niebuhr

“The ‌only way to⁢ make sense out of ​change⁣ is to plunge into it, move with it, and join⁢ the ⁤dance.” – Alan Watts

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” – ⁣Jim Rohn

“Change‍ the way you ⁤look at​ things and‍ the things ‍you look ⁣at ⁤change.” – Wayne‌ Dyer

“Sometimes ⁢the ⁢hardest part isn’t letting go but rather learning⁣ to start over.” – Nicole Sobon

“Every⁣ new beginning⁣ comes ⁣from some ⁤other beginning’s end.” ​ – Seneca

“The‍ secret of‍ change is to focus all of your energy, not on⁤ fighting the old, ⁤but on building the new.”⁤ – Socrates

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” – John C. Maxwell

“To ‍improve is to change; to be perfect⁤ is to ‌change⁤ often.”⁣ – Winston Churchill

“Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the ‌only condition ⁣for ​happiness.” – Thich‌ Nhat⁢ Hanh

“Change is painful, but nothing is as⁢ painful as staying stuck somewhere you ⁣don’t belong.”⁣ –⁢ Mandy ⁣Hale

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to ​change.”‍ – Albert‍ Einstein

“Some of us⁣ think holding on makes us⁢ strong; but ⁤sometimes it is ⁣letting go.” ⁣–⁣ Hermann ‍Hesse

“All great changes ‌are preceded by chaos.” – Deepak Chopra

“When we ⁢are no longer ⁣able to change a​ situation, we are challenged⁤ to⁤ change ourselves.” – Viktor Frankl

“Don’t cry because ⁣it’s​ over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss

“Every exit ‌is an entry somewhere else.”​ – Tom​ Stoppard

“What the caterpillar ⁣calls the‍ end, the rest​ of the world calls‌ a butterfly.”‍ –​ Lao Tzu

“It’s ‍not the load⁣ that breaks you down, ⁣it’s ‌the way you carry it.”‌ –⁢ Lou ‍Holtz

“Yesterday‍ I ‍was clever, ⁣so I wanted to change the world. ​Today I⁤ am wise, so I am changing myself.”⁢ – Rumi

“Life ‍is​ a balance of ⁢holding on and letting go.” –‍ Rumi

“The ‌art ‌of life lies⁤ in a constant readjustment to our ‍surroundings.” –​ Kakuzō ⁤Okakura

“You⁣ are allowed⁢ to ​let ⁤go of⁤ all those that​ do not set you free anymore.” – Dhiman

“Holding onto ​something​ that ⁣is good for you now,‍ may be the very ⁣reason why you​ don’t⁢ have⁣ something better.” – C.⁣ JoyBell C.

“Change is not something that ⁢we should fear. ​Rather,‌ it is ‍something ​that we should ⁢welcome.” ​ – B.K.S. ⁢Iyengar

“Letting go⁢ means ‌to come to the realization ⁤that some people are a ⁢part of your history, but ⁣not a ‍part ‌of your destiny.” – Steve Maraboli

“Life is about change, sometimes it’s⁤ painful, sometimes⁤ it’s⁣ beautiful,​ but ⁣most of​ the time it’s both.” –‌ Lana Lang

“The⁢ winds of change can ⁤be​ uncomfortable at first, but ‌they carry us⁢ to fresh⁣ and new⁢ beginnings.” – Unnamed

“When one door closes, ⁣another opens; but we often​ look‌ so long and so ​regretfully upon the ‌closed door that ‍we do not see ‌the one which ⁣has ‍opened for us.” –​ Alexander ​Graham Bell

Wisdom⁣ Quotes⁣ for Moving‌ On

“The journey⁢ of ‍a thousand miles begins with‌ one⁤ step.”⁢ – ​Lao Tzu

“Letting go doesn’t ‍mean giving⁤ up, but rather accepting that there are‍ things that cannot be.” – Unknown

“Some ‌of us think⁤ holding on⁣ makes us strong, but ⁤sometimes it⁤ is letting ⁣go.” – Herman​ Hesse

“You must learn⁤ to let go. Release the stress. ⁣You were​ never​ in⁤ control ‌anyway.” –⁢ Steve Maraboli

“Sometimes it takes a​ heartbreak to shake us awake and help us see we are worth ⁢so much more than ‌we’re‍ settling for.” –​ Mandy Hale

“Change has to come ⁢for⁣ life‍ to struggle forward.” – Helen Hollick

“Even though you may want⁢ to move forward in your life, you may⁢ have one ⁢foot on‌ the brakes. ‌In ⁤order ⁣to ‍be free, we must⁣ learn ‌how to ⁤let go. Release the ‌hurt. Release the‍ fear. Refuse ‌to ⁣entertain ​your old ⁤pain.” – Mary ‌Manin Morrissey

“Accept⁣ yourself, love yourself, and⁣ keep‌ moving⁤ forward. If ⁣you want to fly, you have to‌ give up what weighs ⁢you⁢ down.” – ⁣Roy​ T. Bennett

“The art is not one of forgetting but letting ⁣go. And​ when everything else is gone, you can‌ be‍ rich⁤ in​ loss.” – Rebecca Solnit

“To let ‌go does not mean to ​get rid ⁢of. To let⁢ go means to let be. When we let ‌be with compassion, things ‌come and go on‍ their own.”⁣ – Jack‌ Kornfield

“There’s an important difference between giving up and letting go.” – Jessica Hatchigan

“The only thing more⁣ unthinkable than leaving was staying; the only ‌thing more impossible than staying was leaving.” – Elizabeth ⁣Gilbert

“Sometimes the‌ hardest part⁣ isn’t letting go ​but rather learning to start over.” – Nicole Sobon

“You ⁢are allowed to‍ let ⁣go of⁢ all those that​ do not set you ‌free anymore.”⁤ – Dhiman

“One of⁤ the happiest ‍moments in life is when ​you find ⁣the⁣ courage‍ to let go of what you cannot change.” – Unknown

“You⁢ can’t start the next chapter of your ​life ​if you keep re-reading⁤ the last one.”​ – Unknown

“In the process ⁣of letting go, you will lose many things⁣ from​ the past, but you will ⁤find​ yourself.” ‍–⁢ Deepak​ Chopra

“Let go of ⁣your attachment to being right, and ⁤suddenly your⁣ mind is‌ more‌ open.” – Ralph Marston

“Forget what hurt you⁣ but never forget what it taught you.” – Shannon L.⁢ Alder

“The greatest step ​towards ⁣a ‌life⁢ of simplicity⁣ is ‍to learn ⁣to let go.” – Steve Maraboli

“Sometimes you⁤ have to make⁣ a decision ‌that will hurt your heart but heal your ⁤soul.” ⁢ – Trent Shelton

“The beautiful journey of today can​ only begin when we learn to let go of⁢ yesterday.” – Steve Maraboli

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness‌ of‍ life. ⁤It turns what we ⁢have into enough, and more.” – ​Melody Beattie

“To​ let⁢ go is ⁢to be thankful for⁤ the⁣ experiences that made you laugh, made you cry,‌ and helped you learn and grow.”‍ –⁣ Unknown

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“Letting go gives us freedom,‌ and freedom is the only condition for happiness.” – Thich‍ Nhat ‍Hanh

“It’s⁤ not a ⁤matter of letting go – you would if ⁤you could.⁢ Instead of ‘Let ‌it go,’ we should​ probably say ‘Let it​ be’.” ‌ – Jon Kabat-Zinn

“When⁣ you let go, you create ‌space for better things to⁢ enter your life.” –‍ Unknown

“If ⁣you want to fly, you ⁤have to⁣ give up​ the things that weigh ⁤you ‌down.” –⁢ Toni Morrison

“Letting go means coming to the realization that some people are a part of your ​history,⁢ but not‌ a part of ⁢your destiny.” – Steve Maraboli

“When you leave behind the ⁢familiar,⁤ you​ open the door to the unimaginable.” – Unknown

Quotes about⁣ Healing and Growth

“The only way to heal is to let yourself ​feel all ​the pain.” -⁢ Anonymous

“Healing takes courage,‍ and⁤ we all‍ have courage, ⁢even if we have to dig ‍a little to find it.” ‍ – Tori Amos

“Sometimes you ​have to let go of the picture ⁤of ⁢what you thought it would be like and learn to‍ find joy in the story you ‌are actually living.” – Rachel Marie⁣ Martin

“The wound⁣ is ‍the ‌place where‌ the Light ‌enters you.”⁢ – Rumi

“In ‌the process of letting go, you will ‍lose many things‌ from the past, ⁣but you will‍ find yourself.” – Deepak ‍Chopra

“Holding on‌ is ​believing that ‍there’s only a past; letting go is knowing ⁢that there’s a future.” – Daphne ⁣Rose ​Kingma

“Your‌ heart⁤ can only take ‍so much, but it has to ‌let go ‍of the ⁢pain⁤ to heal.” – Emma Grace

“Letting‌ go gives us ​freedom, and freedom is​ the only condition for happiness.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

“It’s not​ the load that⁣ breaks you down,⁣ it’s the way you carry‍ it.”⁢ – Lou Holtz

“Time doesn’t⁣ heal ​emotional ⁤pain, ‌you need to learn how⁤ to let go.”⁣ – Roy⁣ T. ⁢Bennett

“Healing‌ doesn’t mean‌ the‍ damage‌ never​ existed.‌ It means‌ the damage no longer controls our ⁢lives.” – Akshay Dubey

“When you let go, you‍ create space ⁢for something better.” – Anonymous

“Forgiveness is ​the key to action ⁢and freedom.” – ⁤Hannah Arendt

“The⁤ art of healing ‍comes‌ from nature, not ‌from ⁣the⁤ physician. ‍Therefore‌ the physician must start from nature, with‌ an open mind.” ​-⁣ Paracelsus

“Letting go doesn’t mean that you⁤ don’t ⁣care about someone⁢ anymore. It’s⁤ just ‌realizing that the ‍only⁤ person you really ‍have control over is⁣ yourself.” – Deborah Reber

“Sometimes⁤ you just have to be done. Not⁢ mad, not upset, just done.” ‍ – Anonymous

“One of the​ happiest⁢ moments in ‍life ​is when you find the courage to let go of what you cannot change.” -‍ Anonymous

“Change has to ⁢come for life to struggle forward.” ⁢ – Helen Hollick

“Each ‌day we are born⁢ again. What we do today is what matters most.” – Buddha

“Keeping ⁣baggage⁤ from the past will ‌leave no room ‌for happiness in the​ future.” – Wayne L.⁤ Misner

“Only ⁣in the darkness can you see the stars.” – Martin Luther⁤ King ⁤Jr.

“To heal a wound, you⁣ need to‌ stop⁣ touching it.”‍ – Anonymous

“Letting go‌ means to⁤ come to the realization ⁤that some people are ‌a part of your history, but not a ⁣part of your destiny.” ⁤ – ​Steve Maraboli

“Healing is a matter​ of time, but it is sometimes also a matter ⁤of opportunity.” – Hippocrates

“Your ⁣past is just a story. And once you realize this, it‌ has​ no power over you.” ​ – ​Chuck‌ Palahniuk

“Nothing ever goes away⁢ until ⁣it has taught⁤ us what we need ⁢to know.”⁢ – Pema Chödrön

“You​ will evolve past certain people.‍ Let yourself.” – Mandy Hale

“Growth is painful. Change is painful. But‍ nothing‌ is as painful⁢ as staying stuck somewhere ⁢you‍ don’t ⁢belong.” – ⁢N.R. ⁤Narayana Murthy

“The beautiful journey of today ⁢can only begin ‍when we learn to⁣ let go of yesterday.” – Steve⁢ Maraboli

Mindful Quotes for Peaceful ‍Living

“Some ​of us think holding on makes us ⁢strong, but‍ sometimes it is ⁢letting go.” – Hermann Hesse

“Let go⁢ of ​your attachment to being‌ right, and suddenly your mind⁤ is more open.”​ – ⁢Ralph Marston

“Yesterday is ​not ours to recover,⁢ but ‌tomorrow⁤ is​ ours to win or lose.” – Lyndon B. Johnson

“The‍ beautiful ⁢journey of today can only begin when ‌we learn to let go‌ of yesterday.” – Steve Maraboli

“You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.” – ⁢Unknown

“Letting go means ⁣to come to the realization that some‌ people are a‍ part of ⁣your⁣ history,‌ but not⁣ a part ‍of your destiny.” ‍ – Steve Maraboli

“In ‍the process ⁢of ​letting⁤ go, you will lose many things from the past,⁣ but you will find yourself.” ⁣ – Deepak Chopra

“Letting go does not‍ mean you stop caring. It means you stop ​trying to ‍force ​others to.” – Mandy Hale

“Sometimes the hardest part isn’t ⁣letting go ⁢but rather learning to⁤ start over.” – Nicole⁢ Sobon

“If you want to fly, ‌you have to give⁣ up what weighs you down.” – Roy T. ⁤Bennett

“Holding on is ​believing that there’s only ‌a past; letting go is knowing ​that there’s a future.” – Daphne Rose Kingma

“Change ‌has to come for life‌ to struggle‍ forward.” – Helen Hollick

“You must⁢ learn​ to let ⁤go.‌ Release ⁣the stress. You were⁢ never in control anyway.” – Steve Maraboli

“Let ⁢go of what has passed. Let⁣ go of what may come. Let go of what ⁢is happening now.” – Ajahn Chah

“To let go is to be ‌free, and to⁣ be free is to ​live.” – Karen⁣ Salmansohn

“The ⁢only real battle in life ⁣is between hanging⁤ on and⁢ letting go.” – Shannon‍ L. ‌Alder

“Anything you can’t control is teaching you how⁢ to‌ let go.”‌ – Jackson Kiddard

“Letting go gives us freedom, and⁤ freedom is the only condition ‍for happiness.” ⁤ – Thich⁣ Nhat Hanh

“Renew⁣ yourself,‍ release that attachment. ⁣Today is‌ a new day!” – Steve Maraboli

“Sometimes the door closes​ on a relationship,‌ not because we failed but⁢ because something bigger ⁤than ⁤us says⁢ this no ⁤longer ‍fits‌ our ⁢life. So, ‍lock the door, shed⁤ a tear, turn around and look for the new door that’s opened. It’s a sign‍ that you’re no longer that person ‌you were,​ it’s time to change into who‍ you‍ are. It’s ​going to be⁤ okay.” – Lee Goff

“Courage is the power to ⁣let go⁤ of the familiar.” – Raymond Lindquist

“She took a deep ⁣breath and let it go.” -‌ Frozen ⁣(Animated Film)

“Letting go isn’t giving up, sometimes​ it means making room for something better.”⁢ – Unknown

“The ​great courage in life is to hold on ‍to losses‌ and Heavens, and that, in turn, is greater courage and ​strength.” -​ Mahatma Gandhi

“Grieve, then let go and⁤ allow the universe to ⁢fill your heart and soul‌ with new experiences.” – Debasish Mridha

“The art is not one ⁣of forgetting⁢ but letting​ go. And ‌when everything else is gone, you can be rich⁢ in loss.”‍ – ​Rebecca ⁤Solnit

“Don’t cry because it’s over, ​smile because it ‍happened.” – Dr. Seuss

“No matter how much⁣ suffering you went through, you ​never wanted to⁤ let go ⁣of those memories.” – Haruki⁢ Murakami

“We must be willing to let go of the life we ‌planned ‌so as to have the ⁤life ‌that is waiting for​ us.” – Joseph Campbell

To‍ Sum Up

Letting⁢ go can⁤ be one of the hardest things to ⁤do, ​but⁢ it⁣ is also one ‌of the most freeing. The quotes​ on this list offer ⁤wisdom ​and ​comfort. They remind us that releasing our grip on the ​past allows us ⁤to​ live more‍ fully⁣ in the present.

Whether you’re⁤ dealing with the end of a relationship,⁢ moving ⁤to⁢ a new city, or ‍simply⁢ growing as a person, these quotes can offer guidance and support. Letting ‌go doesn’t mean giving up;‍ it means making room⁢ for⁣ something better. Use these quotes as a source of strength to help you​ move forward with a lighter heart.

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