Quotes About Missing Someone in Heaven

Losing someone ⁣you love is ​hard. When that⁢ person is in Heaven, the feeling of‌ missing them ​can be even stronger. These quotes capture the ⁣essence⁢ of‍ that⁤ longing and offer some‍ comfort.

Many people ⁢find that ⁤words from others who have faced⁣ the same sorrow can help. These quotes remind us ‌that while the pain is deep, the love ‍and memories ⁤are stronger.

Read on for some touching quotes that speak to ‍the heart ⁣of missing someone in Heaven.

Inspirational Quotes about Missing Loved Ones​ in Heaven

“Those we love don’t go away. They walk ⁤beside ​us every day, unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, ‌still missed,​ and very dear.” – Anonymous

“The ‍pain of missing you is a⁢ beautiful⁢ reminder of ⁢the joy ⁣of loving you.” ⁣– Dean Jackson

“Perhaps they are not ​stars, but ​rather openings in Heaven​ where the love of our lost ones‌ pours through and ⁣shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.” – Eskimo ​Proverb

“To live in ⁣hearts we leave ⁤behind is not to ⁢die.” – Thomas⁤ Campbell

“When someone ⁤you​ love becomes⁤ a memory, the memory becomes⁢ a⁢ treasure.” – Unknown

“But⁣ she wasn’t around,​ and that’s the ⁢thing when your parents die, you feel ⁤like instead of ​going into every fight with backup, ⁤you ‌are going‌ into⁣ every ⁢fight alone.” – Mitch Albom, For One ⁣More Day

“Death ends​ a life, not a⁤ relationship.” – Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie

“Your ‍absence has gone through me like thread through a ‍needle. Everything I do ⁢is‍ stitched with⁣ its ‍color.” – W.S.⁣ Merwin

“Grief⁣ is ⁤the​ price we pay for ‍love.” – Queen Elizabeth II

“Though⁤ we may be far apart, your spirit‍ lives forever ⁣in my heart.” – Unknown

“Until ‍we⁣ meet again,‍ may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”​ – Irish Blessing

“You may ⁢be gone⁢ from my sight, but‍ you are never gone from‍ my heart.” – Unknown

“I​ thought of you today ⁣but that is‍ nothing ⁢new. I thought about​ you yesterday⁢ and days before that ​too. I think of you in silence,⁣ I often speak⁤ your⁣ name. All I have⁢ are​ memories‍ and your‍ picture in a frame.” – Unknown

“In the night of death, hope sees a​ star,⁢ and listening love can hear the rustle of a wing.” – Robert Ingersoll

“The⁢ song is ⁢ended, but the melody ⁤lingers‍ on.” – Irving‍ Berlin

“What ‌we‌ have once⁤ enjoyed we can never lose.⁣ All that we love⁤ deeply becomes a part ⁤of‌ us.”⁢ – Helen Keller

“And ever has it been known that‍ love ⁣knows not ⁤its own depth until the hour of separation.” – Kahlil Gibran, ​The Prophet

“In ​the garden of memory, in the palace⁢ of ⁣dreams… that is where you and I shall meet.” –⁢ Lewis Carroll, Alice Through the Looking-Glass

“How lucky I‍ am to have something that ⁣makes saying goodbye so hard.” – A.A. Milne, Winnie⁣ the Pooh

“Though I cannot see you with my eyes ‍or touch you with my hands, I ‍will feel you in my heart forever.” – Unknown

“The life⁤ of the dead is placed in the ‍memory of the ​living.” – ⁣Marcus ⁣Tullius Cicero

Peaceful Quotes on ‌Yearning for ⁣Someone ‌in Heaven

“Those we⁣ love ‍don’t go away; they walk beside us every‌ day.” – Unknown

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“Looking at the stars connects me⁣ to⁤ you—each twinkling‌ light ⁢a whisper of⁢ love from heaven.” – Original

“To live in ‌hearts we leave behind is not⁢ to⁢ die.” – Thomas Campbell

“Whenever I ⁤miss you, I look ⁤to the heavens and ⁤know that you are shining down on me.” – Original

“Grief ‍is the price we ⁤pay⁤ for love.” – Queen Elizabeth II

“You ⁤may be out of sight, but you will never be⁣ out of my heart.”‍ – ‌Original

“What we have once enjoyed deeply we‍ can⁤ never lose. All that we ‌love deeply‍ becomes⁤ a part of‍ us.” –⁤ Helen Keller

“I ‍wish heaven had​ visiting⁤ hours.” – Michael Whitaker

“Although you have left this​ world, ⁤your memory and ‌love remain‍ in my‍ heart forever.” – Original

“Death leaves a​ heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory ‌no one can steal.” – From ‍an Irish ‍headstone

“And ever ⁢has​ it been known that love knows not its ​own depth until the hour ‍of​ separation.” – Khalil Gibran

“I find peace in knowing‍ that you are ​now my ⁣guardian‌ angel,​ watching over me⁣ from ‍above.” – Original

“The skies hold ⁣your memory, and my heart holds your love.” – Original

“Those who love us never truly​ leave⁤ us, Harry. ⁢There are ‍things that death cannot touch.” – J.K. Rowling

“Perhaps they are ‍not stars, but rather​ openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through⁤ and‍ shines ⁢down upon⁤ us to let⁤ us know they are‌ happy.”⁣ –⁣ Inuit Proverb

“Time may pass, but⁣ not one day‌ goes ‌by‍ that my longing for you fades.”‍ – Original

“The loss is immeasurable, but so is⁤ the love left‌ behind.”‌ – Original

“When ‌I am lonely,⁢ I remember your gentle ‌love and⁣ feel ⁣comforted.” – ‌Original

“They that ‍love beyond ⁤the world cannot be separated by it. Death cannot kill ‍what never dies.” – William ​Penn

“Your love​ is​ my guide, even from the stars⁣ where you now ⁢reside.”‍ –​ Original

“The‍ reality is that‌ you will grieve‍ forever. You will not ‘get over’ the loss ⁤of a loved‍ one; you will learn to live with it.” – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Heartfelt Quotes ⁣Reflecting on the Absence of Heavenly Loved Ones

“If‌ the people we​ love are stolen from us, ⁣the way to have them live on is to never stop ‍loving ‍them.” ⁣– ⁢James O’Barr

“Grief is the price ⁢we pay ⁤for love.” ⁢–‍ Queen Elizabeth‌ II

“The song is ‍ended, but ⁤the melody lingers ⁢on.” ‌– Irving Berlin

“How very softly​ you tiptoed into⁢ our world, almost silently, only a‍ moment you stayed.⁤ But what an imprint your footsteps have left upon our hearts.” – Dorothy Ferguson

“You may be gone from my sight, but you are never gone from ⁣my heart.” – Unknown

“When someone⁤ you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.” – Anonymous

“There are no goodbyes ⁤for us. Wherever you ‌are, you will always be in my heart.” –‍ Mahatma Gandhi

“What we have once enjoyed we can never⁣ lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” – Helen Keller

“Heaven ‌is blessed with⁢ perfect rest​ but the blessing‍ of ​earth is⁤ toil.” – Henry ⁤Van Dyke

“Perhaps they⁤ are⁤ not⁤ stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our​ lost ones pours through and shines down upon us ⁣to‌ let us know they are happy.” – Eskimo Proverb

“Until ⁣we meet ​again,⁤ may God hold you in the ⁢palm of ⁢his ⁢hand.”⁤ – Irish Blessing

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“The pain of ⁣missing you is⁢ a beautiful reminder of the ⁣joy of loving you.” – Dean Jackson

“Those ⁤we⁢ love don’t go away, they walk‍ beside​ us every day. ​Unseen, unheard, ​but ‌always near; still ⁢loved, still⁢ missed and very​ dear.”⁤ – ⁣Anonymous

“The reality​ is that you will grieve forever. You will⁢ not ⁤’get over’ the loss of⁢ a loved one; you will learn ⁤to live with it.” – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

“Love knows ‌not its⁢ own⁤ depth ‍until the hour of ‌separation.” – Kahlil Gibran

“To live in hearts‍ we leave behind is not ⁢to die.” – Thomas Campbell

“When I think of you, ⁤I‍ smile through the⁢ ache, knowing you ⁤are ‍safe in somewhere ⁤I‌ can’t reach just yet.” ⁤– Original

“Your ⁣wings‌ were ‌ready, but‌ my heart‌ was not.” ‌–⁣ Unknown

“Though ​you are no longer here, ⁢your light continues to shine⁢ within ⁤me, undying and eternal.” – Original

“Death leaves a ⁢heartache no one can heal, love leaves‍ a ‌memory​ no one ⁢can steal.” – From a headstone in Ireland

“Our ‍joys will be greater,⁤ our⁣ love⁢ will⁢ be deeper,​ our life will be‍ fuller because we shared your⁣ moment.” – Unknown

“Even when someone is gone, their presence is still ​here, lingering in ⁤the echo ‍of​ their ​laughter‌ and in‍ the places they touched with love.” ‍– Original

Comforting ‍Quotes⁤ to Cherish the Memory of ⁤Someone in Heaven

“To live in hearts ⁣we leave ⁤behind is‍ not to die.” – Thomas Campbell

“Perhaps ⁢they⁣ are not‍ stars, but​ rather openings in Heaven where the ‌love⁤ of ⁤our lost ones pours​ through and shines ​down upon us ⁤to let us ‌know they⁣ are happy.” –​ Inuit ⁤Proverb

“When someone you love becomes a memory,​ the memory becomes a treasure.”⁣ – Unknown

“Those we love don’t ‌go away, they ​walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still⁤ loved, ‍still ‍missed and‌ very dear.” – Unknown

“Death ‌leaves a heartache⁤ no one can heal,⁤ love leaves ⁢a memory ‌no one can steal.” – ​From​ an ‌Irish headstone

“Although it’s difficult to‍ see beyond the sorrow, may looking back in memory ⁢help comfort⁤ you tomorrow.” ⁤– Unknown

“The song is ended, but the⁣ melody lingers on.” – Irving Berlin

“What‌ we have once enjoyed deeply we can never ⁤lose. All that we love deeply​ becomes a part of ⁣us.” – Helen Keller

“The best and most ‌beautiful things in the world cannot be seen ​or even touched –‍ they must be felt‍ with‌ the heart.” – Helen Keller

“You ‌may be ⁣gone from ⁣my sight, but you are never gone⁤ from my heart.” ‌– Unknown

“Heaven is a place nearby,‌ so there’s ​no‌ need to say goodbye.” – Lene Marlin

“Grief is the last act of ​love we have‍ to ⁤give ⁣to those we loved. Where ​there is⁣ deep grief, ​there was ⁤great love.” – Unknown

“The reality is ‌that you will⁢ grieve forever. You will not ‘get‍ over’ the loss of a loved one;⁢ you ⁢will‍ learn to‌ live with it. You will heal and​ you⁢ will rebuild yourself‌ around the⁢ loss‌ you have suffered.”⁣ – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

“If there ever comes a day when⁢ we ‌can’t be⁣ together, keep me ⁢in your heart, I’ll stay‌ there forever.” – A.A. ⁣Milne

“Like ​a ⁤bird singing in the rain, let ​grateful memories survive in time of sorrow.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

“Memories ⁢are⁤ the treasure house of‍ the mind wherein the monuments thereof are kept and preserved.” – Thomas Fuller

“In the night of death, hope sees ‍a star, and listening ​love can hear⁤ the‌ rustle‍ of a wing.” – Robert Ingersoll

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“The ⁢pain passes, ‍but the beauty remains.” –​ Pierre‌ Auguste⁤ Renoir

“Although we seem so far apart,⁣ you’re always here⁣ within ⁣my heart.” – Unknown

“The Remembrance of the good done those we have loved is the only consolation ‌when we have lost them.”‍ – Demoustier

“There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever ‌you are, you will ⁤always be in my heart.” – ‌Mahatma Gandhi

Uplifting Quotes on Coping with the Loss⁤ of a‍ Loved One ‍in Heaven

“Those we ⁣love and⁢ lose‍ are ‌always connected by heartstrings into infinity.” – Terri Guillemets

“What we have once⁤ enjoyed deeply we ⁤can never ⁤lose. All ⁣that we ⁢love deeply becomes a part of us.” ⁣– Helen Keller

“Unable​ are ⁤the loved to die, for ⁢love is⁢ immortality.” – Emily Dickinson

“They that love beyond⁢ the world cannot be separated ‍by it.​ Death cannot ⁣kill what​ never⁢ dies.”​ – William Penn

“Grief ​is ​not a ‍sign of weakness,⁢ nor a lack of faith. ‌It is the price⁣ of love.” – Unknown

“To​ live in hearts we leave ⁣behind is not to die.” – Thomas⁤ Campbell

“Death leaves a heartache no one ⁣can heal, love‍ leaves a memory no one can steal.” – Irish Proverb

“The reality‍ is that you will​ grieve forever. You will not ‘get over’ the loss of a loved one; ‌you ⁣will ⁢learn to live with it.” – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

“Though it’s been years, it feels like moments. Your ​absence has shaped my ⁤existence‍ in both‍ heartache‌ and gratitude.” – Author’s ⁤own

“There are no goodbyes for us.‍ Wherever you are, ⁣you will always ‌be⁣ in my heart.” –‍ Mahatma Gandhi

“Although it’s difficult today‍ to see beyond the sorrow, may looking back in ‍memory help⁣ comfort‍ you tomorrow.” – Unknown

“Heaven has gained the sweetest angel, but we have lost a part of ourselves.” – Author’s⁢ own

“The song is⁣ ended, but⁣ the⁣ melody ⁤lingers on…” ‌– Irving Berlin

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen ‍or⁣ even ⁢touched. They must be felt with the heart.” – ​Helen Keller

“Sometimes, when‍ one person is absent, the‍ whole world​ seems depopulated.” – Alphonse ⁤de‍ Lamartine

“You may be gone‌ from my sight, but⁢ you are never‍ gone from⁣ my heart.” – Author’s own

“I love you every⁤ day. And now ‌I will miss you every⁤ day.” – Mitch Albom

“Those who love never truly ​depart;⁢ they walk beside ⁣us every day.” – Author’s own

“How lucky I am to‌ have⁢ something that ‌makes saying goodbye⁣ so hard.” – A.A.⁣ Milne

“My heart still aches in sadness, and secret‌ tears still flow.⁤ What it meant to lose⁢ you, ⁢no one will ​ever know.” – Unknown

“Finding that you are in every breath, and⁣ knowing I⁢ can’t reach you, is⁤ both​ my grief and solace.” – Author’s ⁢own

Summing Up

Finding the right words to express​ how much you miss someone in⁢ heaven can be challenging. The quotes we ⁢shared aim⁤ to​ give​ you comfort, understanding, ‌and a ​sense of connection‍ to your loved ones who​ have⁤ passed away. They remind ⁤us that ⁤love​ transcends physical presence⁣ and that ​it’s okay to ⁣grieve and cherish those memories.

We hope these quotes offer you some solace⁣ and help you feel closer to ⁢those you miss dearly. Whether you⁤ use them in a⁤ letter,⁢ a social ⁢media post, or ⁣simply keep ​them⁢ in your heart,​ let these‌ words bring ‍you peace and a gentle ​reminder⁢ that love never truly⁤ leaves us.

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